
1. 数不清的植物种类:variety of plants

2. 有无比耐心的教师:a teacher with infinite patience(牛津词典)

3. 公司以无比的智慧決定关掉职工食堂:The company in its infinite wisdom decided to close the staff restaurant(牛津词典)

4. 无垠的宇宙:an infinite universe(牛津词典)

5. 变化万千的风景:...an infinite variety of landscapes...(柯林斯高阶英语词典)

6. 约翰小心翼翼地挪动了位置:With infinite care, John shifted position...(柯林斯高阶英语词典)

7. 无穷多的原子:...an infinite number of atoms...(柯林斯高阶英语词典)

8. 显然,没有哪个公司的资源是无限的:Obviously, no company has infinite resources.(柯林斯高阶英语词典)

9. 宇宙似乎是无限的:The universe seems infinite.(《简明英汉词典》)

10. 可以限制每个用户记录的IP数,防止数据库无限增大:Record each user can restrict the IP number to prevent infinite growing database.(期刊摘选)

11. 他的眼睛永远热烈地注视着这个变幻莫测,美不胜收的世界:He had his eyes always eagerly open to its infinite varieties and beauties.(辞典例句)

12. 我们前途或许也不再是无限的, 其实它又何曾是无限的?:The future we may no longer be unlimited, in fact a time when it is infinite?(期刊摘选)

Probability has no limitations in its application. It refers to the calculation of averages over an infinite period of time, rather than a specific end result. This concept dates back to around 1810, when Fourier, Gauss, and Bolzano began to handle infinite series accurately.

Time, on the other hand, is both finite and infinite. I defy any attempt at an indefinite definition. The notion of an infinite set of countable infinite sets also presents a computational challenge.

Blue, for us ordinary people, represents the melancholy of mortals dwarfed by the vastness of the universe. This idea is explored further in literature, where authors have attempted to depict the insignificance of human life in the face of infinity.

However, this quest for infinity can sometimes lead to an infinite regress. When trying to achieve something beyond what is possible, it is easy to get lost in a loop of endless possibilities. This phenomenon has been observed in various fields, from mathematics to physics.

The concept of infinity also extends to space. While we can understand that there is more space beyond our planet, it remains difficult to truly grasp the idea of infinite space. Dennis had a lot of money, but not an infinite amount, which highlights our own finite nature compared to the vastness of the universe


《简明英汉词典》中也提到了无限的概念。例如,Feelings of infinite melancholy stole over him. 意为“无限的哀情愁思向他悄悄袭来”。又如,The war brought infinite harm to the nation. 意为“战争给这个国家带来了无穷的灾难”。

而《现代汉英综合大词典》则提供了更多关于无限的例子。例如,The company had an unlimited amount of money to invest in new projects.(这家公司有无限的钱可以用于投资新的项目。)He knew that he would never be able to run away from his problems and that they would haunt him forever, leading to feelings of infinite despair.(他知道永远也无法逃避自己的问题,这些烦恼会永远困扰着他,导致无尽的绝望感。)
