现在已经是 2024 年初了!在这又一个疯狂的旅程中,我们要再次向所有支持我们的读者、评论者、艺术家和合作伙伴表示感谢。你们的支持是我们前进的动力,也是我们制作出如此多精彩内容的源泉。抱歉,我们还未能保持 100%,但我们会继续努力改进。

吸血鬼幸存者(Vampire Survivors)社区依然非常活跃,我们将继续为大家带来更多关于游戏的讨论和未来展望。在这篇新的文章里,我们将回顾过去一年发生的一切,并分享一些即将到来的内容。希望你们会喜欢!

在此,我们要感谢poncle工作室的所有成员,以及为吸血鬼幸存者付出努力的团队。即使出道一年多,这款游戏依然取得了令人惊叹的成绩。目前,我们的团队已经发展到 20 人,虽然仍然忙于开发吸血鬼幸存者,但我们也在不断地进行更新和发布。

在这个过程中,我们经历了很多幕后的事情。接下来,我将重点关注吸血鬼幸存者的最新动态,包括一些即将到来的惊喜!(VS 为 Vampire Survivors 缩写)

过去的一年里,我们取得了很多成就:蝙蝠国、DICE 奖年度动作游戏、BAFTA 游戏设计奖、BAFTA 最佳游戏奖、Foscari DLC 之潮、Astral Stair、Nintendo Switch 端口、本地合作社、第一次玩家活动、OST 管弦乐队录音(实际上是第三次)、Whiteout、冒险、首个合作 DLC 紧急会议等等。

当然,我们也错过了一些东西。最有可能的是,哦,我们已经将 Steam 上的 OST 更新为 FLAC 格式。无论如何,2023 年总结已完成,接下来就是新的一年!


交叉保存方面:我们已经在测试这个功能一段时间了。但真正的障碍是必须落实遵守 GDPR、CCPA 以及数据保护所需的任何其他要求所需的一切。即使只是在公开测试版中测试该功能,我们也出现了延迟,因为还有很多工作要做。比如说,我们需要实现的功能仅仅是桥接您在不同平台上已有的帐户,只存储电子邮件和密码组合。

我们正在开发 2 月份的 QOL(游戏体验)更新,并希望仅同时在公开测试版中推出交叉保存功能(仅从 Steam 和 Android 开始)。


自 2023 年 4 月以来,我们就一直在宣布与 Story Kitchen 合作制作一部动画电视剧。当然,由于各种罢工的影响,我们一直等到这些情况得到解决后才开始讨论。因此,现在我们只能说更多关于这部作品的信息将在 2024 年发布!

诚然,我们收到了很多关于跨媒体项目合作的建议,但我们更倾向于等待寻找合适的合作伙伴,而不是仓促行事。特别是考虑到使用 Visual Studio 制作非视频游戏类项目需要良好的基础、想法、创造力以及对游戏的专业知识——这三者组合在一起非常困难,需要 100% 的正确性!


那么,Visual Studio 内容的下一步是什么呢?



-紧急会议已更新到 1.8

-无需对下一次更新含糊其辞:Honey Moon 是新更新 1.9“Space 54”的代号,目前可在 Steam-PC 公共测试版分支上进行测试!如果一切顺利,1.9 应该会在 2 月份到达所有平台,并带来一些性能和 QOL(服务质量)改进。

-其中绝大多数是 Whiteout 大小的免费内容更新

我们是否能在 2024 年完成所有这些工作尚不确定,这就是为什么我们没有给出具体日期的原因。但在这里,我们会尽力而为!







我们的 Fangamer 朋友们已经制作了一些吸血鬼幸存者的简洁周边:一件令人难以置信的金属 T 恤,以及一些还配有小配件的搪瓷人物别针。正如露西在这段视频中展示的那样,Queen Sigma 徽章尤其用途广泛。





- 我们只是从一个想法开始,我们不知道它将把我们引向何方,但这没关系

- 我们不知道什么时候,甚至是否会对最终结果感到满意并准备好分享它们

- 它让我们可以自由地进行实验、保持灵活性、承担风险并享受乐趣

- 正如您从这个完全不模糊的概述中看到的,我们遵循高度科学的方法,而且它完全不是一个深奥的过程:

这些实验会产生什么结果? 图标有含义吗? “只有”六个正在进行中吗? 如果星星有6点,为什么在游戏中称为五角星? 会有吸血鬼吗? 有一天我们会找到这些问题和许多其他重要问题的答案。


- Luca & poncle(包括营销团队)

After more than one year of development, the reception of Vampire Survivors (VS) has remained absolutely incredible. The game has grown to 20 people, and we are all still busy working exclusively on VS due to the ports, engine changes, frequent updates, and releases. Of course, we also have a marketing team in place. We have a lot going on behind the scenes, but I will keep the update focused on Vampire Survivors and reveal a few bits below! Everything that happened

*Deep breath*

Bat Country, DICE Awards Action game of the year, BAFTA for Game Design, BAFTA for Best Game, Tides of the Foscari DLC, Astral Stair, Nintendo Switch port, Local Co-op, first players event, OST orchestra recordings (3rd one actually 👀), Whiteout, Adventures, first collab DLC Emergency Meeting! Did I miss something? Most likely. Oh we have updated the OST on Steam to be available in FLAC format for example. Anyway, the 2023 summary is done, next up! State of: Online co-op

We are still investigating the possibility of adding online multiplayer to our game, which is currently a simple but content-rich experience. Despite having received some help and seeing progress, we cannot make any promises at this early stage. We will continue providing updates until we can confirm whether or not it is feasible and feasible to implement.

Regarding cross-save functionality, we have been testing it for some time now, but we face several challenges in ensuring compliance with GDPR, CCPA, and other data protection regulations. The process has even caused delays in the public beta testing phase, despite only requiring an email and password combination to link accounts from different platforms.

In February, we plan to release a quality of life (QOL) update that will include cross-save functionality. Our goal is to introduce this feature in the public beta version of the game simultaneously on Steam and Android initially. However, we want to emphasize that these plans are subject to change based on the progress of our investigations and the availability of resources. We appreciate your patience as we work towards delivering this exciting new feature to our community.

State of: Cross-MEDIAYep, we're doing cross-media like the big boys for real! Back in April 2023, we announced an animated TV series collaboration with Story Kitchen. Of course, we had to wait until various strikes ended before starting the project, but for now, we can say that more information will be revealed in 2024.

Honestly, we have received many proposals to collaborate on cross-media projects, but rather than jumping the gun and finding partners quickly, we prefer to take our time to find partners who feel right. This is especially important because creating content that is not a video game based on VS requires good ideas, creativity, and a quirky knowledge of the game. It's a very challenging trifecta to get 100% right!

We have several partners now, and as these projects mature, we'll reveal more about them and show you some of the cool stuff we're working on! What's next for VS content? If you somehow managed to follow the Chaos Roadmap and are curious to know what changed from the last time:

The next update for Space Station 13, codenamed "Chalcedony", is currently in progress and will be released on Steam. However, the team behind the game has decided to release a new update called "Emergency Meeting" which is version 1.8. This update brings with it some significant changes that we would like to inform you about.

No need to be cryptic about the next update: Honey Moon is the codename for the new update 1.9, "Space 54", currently available for testing on the Steam-PC public beta branch! If everything goes well, 1.9 should reach all platforms in February together with a few performance and QOL improvements. The vast majority of these are free content updates of Whiteout-size.

We doubt we can get all of these done in 2024, and that's why there are no dates nor an order, but we're here to try! We know people are demanding more platforms, but we're also keen on doing the ports ourselves, one at a time, and that takes time. We can't "just hire immediately more people": I don't think that's how a healthy company grows; let's give our team time to grow organically.

We can't "just get a publisher": it would make us lose control over features and pricing. If we were to do this, the game could suffer in the hands of someone who isn't a fan of the series or doesn't care about its core mechanics. We want our fans to enjoy a new chapter in Vampire Survivors' history, so having a good partner is crucial.

I'd love to tell you everything about the next port, but the marketing team would kill me; I can just say it's the most obvious one, so for streaming services of course, codenamed "if it looks like mud and smells like mud, then it's Vampire Survivors" 😅

Fangamer Merch

Our friends at Fangamer have made some cool Vampire Survivors gadgets: an incredibly metal t-shirt, and some enamel character pins that also come with a little accessory. The Queen Sigma pin in particular is very versatile, as shown by Lucy in this video. I use mine in a little diorama my little siblings made for me for Christmas 😭 (feel free to cringe in the comments, but please appreciate that I spared you the rest of the poem!)


Uh-oh, what now?

Something I've been trying to put in place almost since the beginning of VS' crazy ride is finally happening: Poncelet is teaming up with other indie devs to work on some VS-adjacent experiments. We're calling these experiments because we're starting with just an idea and don't know where that will lead us; we don't know when or even if we'll be happy with the final results and ready to share them; it keeps us free to experiment, stay flexible, take risks, and have fun; as you can see from this totally not vague overview, we're following a highly scientific method that's totally not an esoteric process at all.

What will these experiments yield? What are the icons for? Are there only six in progress? Why is this called "Pentagram" in game when the star has 6 points? Will there be a vampire? We'll find out the answers to these and many other important questions someday.

That's all for now, got a pretty busy 2024 ahead of us!

Thank you all once again and see you in the next run!

- Luca & Poncle (including the marketing team)