
WIICH001 – [DQAJK2]水瓶座棒球[猫星汉化][日版汉化]

WIICH002 – [R2UJ8P]一起来拍打[猫星汉化][日版汉化]

WIICH003 – [R2VJ01]罪与罚 宇宙的后继者[猫星汉化][WiFi][日版汉化]

WIICH004 – [R3IJ01]银河战士 PRime[TGFC汉化][日版汉化]

WIICH005 – [R3OJ01]银河战士 另一个M[ACG汉化][日版汉化]

WIICH006 – [R4ZJ01]零 月蚀之假面[ACG汉化][日版汉化]

WIICH007 – [R8AJ01]宝可梦公园Wii 皮卡丘的大冒险[猫星汉化]

WIICH008 – [R8DJA4]游戏王5D's:决斗狂热者[猫星汉化][日版汉化]

WIICH009 – [R8EJQC]大地探索者[蓝宇汉化菜单][日版汉化]

WIICH010 – [R8FJHA]快餐危机 匠餐厅大繁盛![猫星汉化][日版汉化]

WIICH011 – [R8PC01]超级纸片马里奥[ACG汉化]

WIICH012 – [R49J01]大金刚 丛林敲击[猫星汉化][日版汉化]

WIICH013 – [R96JAF]风之克罗诺亚 幻影之门[TGB汉化][日版汉化]

WIICH014 – [RB2J2K]彩虹泡泡[猫星汉化][日版汉化]

WIICH015 – [RBHJ08]生化危机0[xjsxjs197汉化][1.2][日版汉化]

WIICH016 – [RBUE08]生化危机 安布雷拉历代记[猫星汉化][美版汉化]

WIICH017 – [RCOC99]名侦探柯南 追忆的幻想[ACG汉化]

WIICH018 – [RD4JA4]劲舞革命 劲爆舞会2[跳舞毯][猫星汉化][日版汉化]

WIICH019 – [RDZJ01]天灾 危机之日[猫星汉化][日版汉化]

WIICH020 – [RE4J08]生化危机1[xjsxjs197汉化][2.0][日版汉化]

WIICH021 – [REKJ2N]有氧拳击 Wii快乐瘦身[猫星汉化][平衡板][日版汉化]

WIICH022 – [REVJ8P]忌火起草 解明篇[PLAY汉化公测版][日版汉化]

WIICH023 – [RFEJ01]火焰纹章 晓之女神[ACG汉化[V2][日版汉化]


- WiiCH024 – [RFNW01] Wii健身[平衡板][台版官中]

- WiiCH025 – [RFPW01] Wii健身 加强版[平衡板][台版官中]

- WiiCH026 – [RGSJ8P] 幽灵小队[幽灵小队汉化][日版汉化]

- WiiCH027 – [RHAW01] Wii第一次接触[台版官中]

- WiiCH028 – [RHHJ8J] 凉宫春日的激动[猫星汉化][日版汉化]

- WiiCH029 – [RJOJJ9] 恐怖体感 咒怨[ACG汉化][日版汉化]

- WiiCH030 – [RK5J01] 星之卡比 毛线传说[可伸缩汉化][日版汉化]

- WiiCH031 – [RKZJA4] 迷失蔚蓝 幸存少年Wii[猫星汉化][日版汉化](含非日版机修复文件)

- WiiCH032 – [RMCC01] 马里奥赛车Wii[ACG汉化]

- WiiCH033 – [RMGJ01] 超级马里奥银河[ACG汉化][日版汉化]

- WiiCH034 – [RMHJ08] 怪物猎人3[ACG汉化][WiFi][日版汉化]

- WiiCH035 – [RMHJ08] 怪物猎人3[兔友汉化组][WiFi][日版汉化]

- WiiCH036 – [RNOJ01] 异色代码 R 记忆之门[ACG汉化][日版汉化]

- WiiCH037 – [RNOJ01] 异色代码 R 记忆之门[Wii吧汉化组+猫星汉化组][日版汉化]

- WiiCH038 – [RODK01] 瓦里奥制造 手舞足蹈[猫星汉化][韩版汉化]

- WiiCH039 – [RONJG9] 御姐玫瑰 革命[猫星汉化][WiFi][日版汉化]

- WiiCH040 – [ROWJ08] 大神[四叶草汉化][日版汉化]

- WiiCH041 – [RQ2JK6] 疯狂攀登者Wii[猫星汉化][日版汉化]

- WiiCH042 – [RSFJ99] 胧村正 妖刀传[ACG汉化][日版汉化]

- WiiCH043 – [RSFJ99] 胧村正 妖刀传[贴吧中文典藏版][日版汉化]

- WiiCH044 – [RSPW01] Wii运动[台版官中]

- WiiCH045 – [RTNJCQ] 天诛4[猫星汉化][日版汉化]

- WiiCH046 – [RYAJDA] 小双侠Wii 噗通噗通大赛车[猫星汉化][日版汉化]

- WiiCH047 – [RZ9JG9] THE聚会游戏(简单2000系列2 家庭聚会)[猫星汉化][日版汉化]


WIICH048 – [RZDJ01]塞尔达传说 黎明公主[ACG汉化][日版汉化]

WIICH049 – [RZPJ01]林克的弓箭训练[ACG汉化][日版汉化]

WIICH050 – [RZTW01]Wii运动 度假胜地[MP][台版官中]

WIICH051 – [SB4W01]超级马里奥银河2[台版官中]

WIICH052 – [SBDE08]生化危机 暗黑编年史[xjsxjs197汉化][1.0][WiFi][美版汉化]

WIICH053 – [SBWJRA]育儿妈妈[猫星汉化][日版汉化]

WIICH054 – [SC8J01]Wii第一次接触 加强版(Wii控制器加强版 动感欢乐组合)[猫星汉化][日版汉化]

WIICH055 – [SL2J01]零 真红之蝶[ACG汉化][日版汉化]

WIICH056 – [SMNW01]新超级马里奥兄弟Wii[台版官中]

WIICH057 – [SOMJ01]大家的节奏天国[猫星汉化][日版汉化]

WIICH058 – [SOUJ01]塞尔达传说 天空之剑[ACG汉化][日版汉化]

WIICH059 – [SSQW01]马里奥派对9(马里奥聚会9)[台版官中]

WIICH060 – [ST7JGD]富豪街[ACG汉化][日版汉化]

WIICH061 – [STEJ18]俄罗斯方块派对 豪华版[猫星汉化][日版汉化]

WIICH062 – [SUKJ01]星之卡比 Wii[猫星汉化][日版汉化]

WIICH063 – [SUPJ01]Wii 派对(欢乐聚会)[猫星汉化][日版汉化]

WIICH064 – [SX4J01]异度之刃[ACG汉化][日版汉化]


1. WIICH048 – [RZDJ01]:塞尔达传说中的第一个DLC,名为“黎明公主”,包含ACG(动画、漫画、游戏)汉化以及日版汉化。

2. WIICH049 – [RZPJ01]:为《塞尔达传说》中的林克角色设计的弓箭训练DLC,包含ACG汉化和日版汉化。

3. WIICH050 – [RZTW01]:Wii运动套件中的度假胜地DLC,提供MP模式和台版官方中文版本。

4. WIICH051 – [SB4W01]:超级马里奥银河系列2代的第二个DLC,名为“超级马里奥银河2”,提供台版官方中文版本。

5. WIICH052 – [SBDE08]:生化危机系列第四部作品的暗黑编年史DLC,包含xjsxjs197的汉化版本、WiFi网络功能以及美式

WIICH070 – [RWLJ01]瓦里奥大陆 摇晃[猫星汉化][日版汉化]

WIICH071 – [RQREXJ]空中杀手 无暇王牌[猫星汉化][美版日文语音]

WIICH072 – [RMVE69]荣誉勋章 先锋部队[猫星汉化组][欧版汉化]

WIICH073 – [RNVW01]超级马里奥银河[官中文本移植汉化][库帕二世][台版汉化]

WIICH074 – [RJUE41]舞力全开 中国版[中文歌曲]

WIICH075 – [SB4W01]超级马里奥银河2[台版官中转简体][库帕二世]

WIICH076 – [RNVW01]新超级马里奥兄弟Wii[神盾移植简体版][官中LOGO+中文home][Syara]

WIICH077 – [SMNC01]新超级马里奥兄弟Wii[神盾移植简体版][英伟达LOGO][Ninji](仅限模拟器运行)

WIICH078 – [SOUJ01]塞尔达传说 天空之剑(御天之剑)[NS文本移植汉化版][库帕二世][日版汉化]

WIICH079 – [SMNW03]新新超级马里奥兄弟Wii[v1.3.0][官中]


- 0001 – 1 Nuke! Dasshutsu Game – My Home Hen (Japan) (WiiWare)

- 0002 – 2 Fast 4 Gnomz (USA) (WiiWare)

- 0003 – 3-2-1, Rattle Battle! (Europe) (WiiWare)

- 0004 – 3-2-1, Rattle Battle! (USA) (WiiWare)

- 0005 – 3 Degrees Celcius (Japan) (WiiWare)

- 0006 – 3D Pixel Racing (Europe) (WiiWare)

- 0007 – 3D Pixel Racing (USA) (WiiWare)

- 0008 – 5-in-1 Solitaire (USA) (WiiWare)

- 0009 – 5 Arcade Gems (Europe) (WiiWare)

- 0010 – 5 Arcade Gems (USA) (WiiWare)

- 0011 – 5 Spots Party (Europe) (WiiWare)


0012 - 5 Spots Party (USA) (WiiWare)

0013 - 25th Super Mario Bros. (Japan) (Promo) (NES) (Virtual Console)

0014 - 81diver Wii (Japan) (WiiWare)

0015 - 101-in-1 Explosive Megamix (Europe) (WiiWare)

0016 - 101-in-1 Explosive Megamix (USA) (WiiWare)

0017 - 530 Eco Shooter (Japan) (WiiWare)

0018 - 1080 Snowboarding (Europe) (N64) (Virtual Console)

0019 - 1080 Snowboarding (Japan) (N64) (Virtual Console)

0020 - 1080 Snowboarding (USA) (N64) (Virtual Console)

0021 - 1942 (Europe) (Arcade) (Virtual Console)

0022 - 1942 (Japan) (Arcade) (Virtual Console)

0023 - 1942 (USA) (Arcade) (Virtual Console)

0024 - 2020 Super Baseball (USA) (NG) (Virtual Console)

0025 - Aa! Mitsuketa! Item Sagashi Game (Japan) (WiiWare)

0026 - Actionloop Twist (Europe) (WiiWare)

0027 - ActRaiser (Europe) (SNES) (Virtual Console)

0028 - ActRaiser (France) (SNES) (Virtual Console)

0029 - ActRaiser (Germany) (SNES) (Virtual Console)

0030 - ActRaiser (Japan) (SNES) (Virtual Console)

031 – ActRaiser:

Action Role-Playing Game released in the United States (USA) by Activision. It is available on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) and can be played via Virtual Console, making it accessible for modern gaming consoles.

0032 – Adventure Island – The Beginning:

Adventure-based video game developed and published by Sega Corporation for the WiiWare platform. The game is also available in Europe.

0033 – Adventure Island – The Beginning (USA):

Similar to Adventure Island – The Beginning, but developed and published exclusively for the WiiWare platform in the USA.

0034 – Adventure Island (Europe):

An adventure game developed and published by Nintendo for the NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) console. It is available on the Virtual Console, offering a way to play classic games on modern devices.

0035 – Adventure Island (USA):

A port of Adventure Island, originally released for the NES console in Europe. This version is available on the Virtual Console for the US market.

0036 – Adventure Island II (Europe):

Another adventure game developed by Nintendo for the NES console. Like its predecessor, it is available on the Virtual Console, allowing players in Europe to enjoy this classic title.

0037 – Adventure Island II (USA):

Adventure Island II, also designed by Nintendo, is released in the USA as part of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) family of consoles. It is available through Virtual Console for those who want to experience this adventure without owning an SNES.

0038 – Adventure on Lost Island – Hidden Object Game:

Hidden-object puzzle game developed by Sega for the WiiWare platform. The European version is available as part of the WiiWare library, whereas the American release follows suit.

0039 – Adventure on Lost Island – Hidden Object Game (USA):

The American version of Adventure on Lost Island – Hidden Object Game, developed and published for the WiiWare platform by Sega. Players in the USA can enjoy this hidden-object game through the WiiWare service.

0040 – Adventures of Lolo 2 (Europe):

Adventure-based video game developed and published for the NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) console in Europe. The second installment is also available on Virtual Console for players worldwide.

0041 – Adventures of Lolo 2 (USA):

Adventures of Lolo 2, developed and published by Nintendo for the NES system in Europe, is released in the USA as part of the Nintendo Entertainment System library through Virtual Console.

0042 – Adventures of Lolo (Europe):

Adventure-based video game created by Nintendo specifically for the NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) console in Europe. It can be accessed through Virtual Console as well.

0043 – Adventures of Lolo (Japan):

Adventure-based video game developed and published for the Famicom (Family Computer) console in Japan by Nintendo. It was not officially released outside Japan, but can be played through Virtual Console for international audiences.

0044 – Adventures of Lolo (USA):

Adventures of Lolo, developed and published by Nintendo for the Famicom console in Japan, is made available through Virtual Console in the USA. This allows players to experience this Japanese-developed game without needing a Japanese Famicom console.

0045 – Aero Guitar (Japan) (DLC):

Video game DLC developed and published by Nintendo for their music rhythm game series, known as "Zelda" or "Falcon" in North America. The content is exclusive to the Wii U version of these games in Japan.


0048 – Aero the Acro-Bat (USA) (SNES) (Virtual Console)

0049 – Aero the Acrobat 2 (Europe) (SNES) (Virtual Console)

0050 – Aero the Acrobat 2 (USA) (SNES) (Virtual Console)

0051 – Aha! I Found It! – Hidden Object Game (Europe) (WiiWare)

0052 – Aha! I Found It! – Hidden Object Game (USA) (WiiWare)

0053 – Aha! I Got It! – Escape Game (Europe) (WiiWare)

0054 – Aha! I Got It! – Escape Game (USA) (WiiWare)

0055 – Ai Cho Aniki (Japan) (PCE) (Virtual Console)

0056 – Airport Mania – First Flight (Europe) (WiiWare)

0057 – Airport Mania – First Flight (USA) (WiiWare)

0058 – Air Zonk (Europe) (TGX) (Virtual Console)

0059 – Air Zonk (USA) (TGX) (Virtual Console)

0060 – Akumajou Densetsu (Japan) (NES) (Virtual Console)

0061 – Akumajou Dracula (Japan) (NES) (Virtual Console)

0062 – Akumajou Dracula (Japan) (SNES) (Virtual Console)

0063 – Akumajou Dracula X – Chi no Rondo (Japan) (PCE) (Virtual Console)

0064 – Albert Odyssey (Japan) (SNES) (Virtual Console)



0065 - Aleste(日本)(MSX)(虚拟控制台)

0066 - Alex Kidd - Tenkuu Majou(日本)(SMD)(虚拟控制台)

0067 - Alex Kidd - The Lost Stars(欧洲)(SMS)(虚拟控制台)

0068 - Alex Kidd - The Lost Stars(日本)(SMS)(虚拟控制台)

0069 - Alex Kidd - The Lost Stars(美国)(SMS)(虚拟控制台)

0070 - Alex Kidd in Miracle World(欧洲)(SMS)(虚拟控制台)

0071 - Alex Kidd in Miracle World(美国)(SMS)(虚拟控制台)

0072 - Alex Kidd in Shinobi World(欧洲)(SMS)(虚拟控制台)

0073 - Alex Kidd in Shinobi World(美国)(SMS)(虚拟控制台)

0074 - Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle(欧洲)(SMD)(虚拟控制台)

0075 - Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle(美国)(SMD)(虚拟控制台)

0076 - Alex Kidd no Miracle World(日本)(短信)(虚拟控制台)

0077 - Alien Crush(欧洲)(TGX)(虚拟控制台)

0078 - Alien Crush(美国)(TGX)(虚拟控制台)

0079 - Alien Crush Returns(欧洲)(WiiWare)

0080 - Alien Crush Returns(日本)(WiiWare)


0081 – Alien Crush Returns (USA) (WiiWare)

0082 – Alien Soldier (Europe) (SMD) (Virtual Console)

0083 – Alien Soldier (Japan) (SMD) (Virtual Console)

0084 – Alien Soldier (USA) (SMD) (Virtual Console)

0085 – Alien Storm (Europe) (SMD) (Virtual Console)

0086 – Alien Storm (Japan) (SMD) (Virtual Console)

0087 – Alien Storm (USA) (SMD) (Virtual Console)

0088 – Altered Beast (Europe) (Arcade) (Virtual Console)

0089 – Altered Beast (Europe) (SMD) (Virtual Console)

0090 – Altered Beast (USA) (Arcade) (Virtual Console)

0091 – Altered Beast (USA) (SMD) (Virtual Console)

0092 – Amazing Brain Train, The! (USA) (WiiWare)

0093 – Anata ga Mawashite Sukuu Puzzle – Mochi Mochi Q (Japan) (WiiWare)

0094 – And Yet It Moves (Europe) (WiiWare)

0095 – And Yet It Moves (USA) (Demo) (WiiWare)

0096 – And Yet It Moves (USA) (WiiWare)

0097 – ANIMA – Ark of Sinners (Europe) (WiiWare)

0098 – ANIMA – Ark of Sinners (USA) (WiiWare)

0099 – Animal Life – Doubutsu Fureai Seikatsu (Japan) (DLC) (WiiWare


1. Animal Life - Doubutsu Fureai Seikatsu (Japan) (v1.1) (DLC) (WiiWare)

2. Animal Life - Doubutsu Fureai Seikatsu (Japan) (WiiWare)

3. Ant Nation (Europe) (WiiWare)

4. Ant Nation (USA) (WiiWare)

5. Aqua Living - Terebi de Nagameru Sakanatachi (Japan) (WiiWare)

6. AquaSpace (USA) (WiiWare)

7. Arcade Essentials (Europe) (WiiWare)

8. Arcade Essentials (USA) (WiiWare)

9. Arcade Sports (Europe) (WiiWare)

10. Arcade Sports (USA) (WiiWare)

11. Argus no Senshi (Japan) (Arcade) (Virtual Console)

12. Arkanoid Plus! (Europe) (DLC) (WiiWare)

13. Arkanoid Plus! (Europe) (WiiWare)

14. Arkanoid Plus! (Japan) (DLC) (WiiWare)

15. Arkanoid Plus! (Japan) (WiiWare)

16. Arkanoid Plus! (USA) (DLC) (WiiWare)

17. Arkanoid Plus! (USA) (WiiWare)

18. Around the World (Europe) (WiiWare)

19. Around the World (USA) (WiiWare)

20. Art of Balance (Europe) (WiiWare)

21. Art of Balance Demo(USA)(WiiWare)(Demo版本)

22. Art of Balance (USA)(WiiWare)(完整版本)


| 序号 | 游戏名称 | 地区 | 平台 |

| ------| -------------------- | -------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |

| 0122 | Art of Fighting 2 | 欧洲 | Wii |

| 0123 | Art of Fighting 2 | 美国 | Wii |

| 0124 | Art of Fighting | 欧洲 | Wii |

| 0125 | Art of Fighting | 美国 | Wii |

| 0126 | Art Style | CUBELLO (欧洲) | WiiWare |

| 0127 | Art Style | CUBELLO (美国) | WiiWare |

| 0128 | Art Style | light trax (欧洲) | WiiWare |

| 0129 | Art Style | light trax (美国) | WiiWare |

| 0130 | Art Style | ORBIENT (欧洲) | WiiWare |

| 0131 | Art Style | ROTOHEX (欧洲) | WiiWare |

| 0132 | Art Style | ROTOHEX (美国) | WiiWare |

| 0133 | Art Style | ROTOZOA (美国) | WiiWare |

| 0134 | Art Style Series | CUBELEO (日本) | WiiWare |

| 0135 | Art Style Series | DIALAHEX (日本) |
| |

| 0136 | Art Style Series | Lightstream (日本) |
| |

| 0137 | Art Style Series | ORBITAL (日本) |
| |

| 0138 | Art Style Series | PENTA_TENTACLES (日本)|
| |

| 0139 | Ashura
(日本)(SMS)| Virtual Console


1. Asoberu Ehon Tobida Sugoroku! (Japan) - WiiWare

2. Asobu Made in Ore (Japan) - WiiWare

3. Assault (Japan) - Arcade (Virtual Console)

4. Astro Bugz Revenge (USA) - WiiWare

5. Atlantis no Nazo (Japan) - NES (Virtual Console)

6. Atsui 12 Game - Furi Furi Party! (Japan) - WiiWare

7. Axelay (Europe) - SNES (Virtual Console)

8. Axelay (Japan) - SNES (Virtual Console)

9. Axelay (USA) - SNES (Virtual Console)

10. Aya and the Cubes of Light (Europe) - WiiWare

11. Aya and the Cubes of Light (USA) - WiiWare

12. Babel Rising (Europe) - WiiWare

13. Bahamut Lagoon (Japan) - SNES (Virtual Console)

14. Bahamut Senki (Japan) - SMD (Virtual Console)

15. Bakutan (Japan) - WiiWare

16. Bakutotsu Kijuutei - Baraduke II (Japan) - Arcade (Virtual Console)

17. Balloon Fight (Europe) - NES (Virtual Console)

18. Balloon Fight (Japan) - NES (Virtual Console)

19. Balloon Fight (USA) - NES (Virtual Console)


1. 0161 - Balloon Pop Festival(美国)(WiiWare)

2. 0162 - Bang Attack - Project Bang(欧洲)(WiiWare)

3. 0163 - Bang Attack(欧洲)(WiiWare)

4. 0164 - Bang Attack(美国)(WiiWare)

5. 0165 - Bang Bang Kids(日本)(WiiWare)

6. 0166 - Baraduke(日本)(Arcade)(虚拟控制台)

7. 0167 - Bare Knuckle - Ikari no Tekken(日本)(SMD)(虚拟控制台)

8. 0168 - Bare Knuckle II - Shitou he no Chinkon Uta(日本)(SMD)(虚拟控制台)

9. 0169 - Bare Knuckle III - Tekken Seiten(日本)(SMD)(虚拟控制台)

10. 0170 - Baseball(欧洲)(NES)(虚拟控制台)

11. 0171 - Baseball(日本)(NES)(虚拟控制台)

12. 0172 - Baseball(美国)(NES)(虚拟控制台)

13. 0173 - Baseball Stars 2(欧洲)(NG)(虚拟控制台)

14. 0174 - Baseball Stars 2(美国)(NG)(虚拟控制台)

15. 0175 - Bases Loaded(美国)(NES)(虚拟控制台)



1、Battle Lode Runner (USA) (TGX) (Virtual Console):美国版的《地洞赛车》。

2、Battle Poker (USA) (WiiWare):美国版的《扑克大战》。

3、BBC iPlayer (Europe) (v258) (Channel):欧洲版的BBC iPlayer。

4、Beach de Oshiro wo Tsukuccha Wow! (Japan) (WiiWare):日本版的海滩游戏。

5、Beer Pong! – Frat Party Games (Europe) (WiiWare):欧洲版的啤酒杯游戏。

6、Bejeweled 2 (Europe) (WiiWare):欧洲版的宝石拼图2。

7、Bejeweled 2 (USA) (WiiWare):美国版的宝石拼图2。

8、Ben 10 Alien Force – The Rise of Hex (Europe) (WiiWare):欧洲版的《贝肯熊外星力量:六面兽崛起》。

9、Ben 10 Alien Force – The Rise of Hex (USA) (WiiWare):美国版的《贝肯熊外星力量:六面兽崛起》。

10、Beyond Oasis (USA) (SMD) (Virtual Console):美国版的《绿洲危机》。

11、Big Bass Arcade (USA) (WiiWare):美国版的大型金枪鱼游乐场。

12、Big Kahuna Party (USA) (WiiWare):美国版的大夏威夷派对。

13、Big Town Shoot Out (Europe) (WiiWare):欧洲版的大城射击。

14、Big Town Shoot Out (USA) (WiiWare):美国版的大城射击。

15、Bikkuri Nekketsu Shin Kiroku! Harukanaru Kin Medal (Japan) (NES) (Virtual Console):日本版的百种果仁收集勋章。

16、Bingo Party Deluxe (Europe) (WiiWare):欧洲版的宾果派对豪华版。

17、Bingo Party Deluxe (USA) (WiiWare):美国版的宾果派对豪华版。

18、Biohazard Battle (Europe) (SMD) (Virtual Console):欧洲版的生化危机战争。

19、Biohazard Battle (USA) (SMD) (Virtual Console):美国版的生化危机战争。


0198 – 欧洲版生物奇迹波库特乌帕(NES)(虚拟控制台)

0199 – 日本版生物奇迹波库特乌帕(NES)(虚拟控制台)

0200 – 美国版生物奇迹波库特乌帕(NES)(虚拟控制台)

0201 – Bit. Trip Beat(欧洲)演示版(WiiWare)

0202 – Bit. Trip Beat(欧洲)(WiiWare)

0203 – Bit. Trip Beat(日本)演示版(WiiWare)

0204 – Bit. Trip Beat(日本)(WiiWare)

0205 – Bit. Trip Beat(美国)演示版(WiiWare)

0206 – Bit. Trip Beat(美国)版本256演示版(WiiWare)

0207 – Bit. Trip Beat(美国)版本256(WiiWare)

0208 – Bit. Trip Beat(美国) (WiiWare)

0209 – Bit. Trip Core–节奏大师日本版(WiiWare)

0210 – Bit. Trip Core(欧洲)(WiiWare)

0211 – Bit. Trip Core(美国)(WiiWare)

0212 – Bit. Trip Fate(欧洲)(WiiWare)

0213 – Bit. Trip Fate(美国)演示版(WiiWare)

0214 – Bit. Trip Fate(美国)(WiiWare)

0215 – Bit. Trip Flux(欧洲)(WiiWare)

0216 – Bit. Trip Flux(美国)(WiiWare)

0217 – Bit. Trip Runner–节奏大师日本版(WiiWare)


- Bit. Trip Runner (Europe) (WiiWare):0218

- Bit. Trip Runner (USA) (WiiWare):0219

- Bit. Trip Void – Rhythm Seijin no Danmaku (Japan) (WiiWare):0220

- Bit. Trip Void (Europe) (WiiWare):0221

- Bit. Trip Void (USA) (WiiWare):0222

- Bit Boy!! (Europe) (WiiWare):0223

- Bit Boy!! (USA) (WiiWare):0224

- Bit Man!! (Japan) (WiiWare):0225

- Bittos Plus (USA) (WiiWare):0226

- Black Dragon (Japan) (Arcade) (Virtual Console):0227

- Black Tiger (Europe) (Arcade) (Virtual Console):0228

- Black Tiger (USA) (Arcade) (Virtual Console):0229

- Blades of Steel (Europe) (NES) (Virtual Console):0230

- Blades of Steel (USA) (NES) (Virtual Console):0231

- Blaster Master – Overdrive (Europe) (WiiWare):0232

- Blaster Master – Overdrive (USA) (WiiWare):0233

- Blaster Master (Europe) (NES) (Virtual Console):0234

- Blaster Master (USA) (NES) (Virtual Console):0235

- Blazing Lazers (Europe) (TGX) (Virtual Console):0236

- Blazing Lazers (USA) (TGX) (Virtual Console):0237


- Block Breaker Deluxe (Europe) (WiiWare):0238

- Block Breaker Deluxe (Japan) (WiiWare):0239

- Block Breaker Deluxe (USA) (WiiWare):0240

- Blood Beach (Europe) (WiiWare):0241

- Blood Beach (USA) (WiiWare):0242

- Bloody Wolf (Europe) (TGX) (Virtual Console):0243

- Bloody Wolf (USA) (TGX) (Virtual Console):0244

- Bloons (Europe) (WiiWare):0245

- Bloons (USA) (WiiWare):0246

- Blue's Journey (Europe) (NG) (Virtual Console):0247

- Blue's Journey (USA) (NG) (Virtual Console):0248

- Blue Oasis – Michinaru Shingai (Japan) (DLC) (WiiWare):0249 - 0250

- Blue Oasis – Sakana no Iyashi Kuuken (Japan) (WiiWare):0251 - 0252

- Board Warriors (Japan) (WiiWare):0253

- Bobby Carrot Forever (Europe) (DLC) (WiiWare):0254 - 0255

- Bobby Carrot Forever (Europe) (WiiWare):0256

- Bobby Carrot Forever (USA) (DLC) (WiiWare):0257

- Bobby Carrot Forever (USA) (WiiWare):0258

- Boingz (USA) (WiiWare):0259

- Bokosuka Wars (Japan) (NES) (Virtual Console):0260

okujou Monogatari Series

0259 - Makiba no Omise (Japan) (DLC) (WiiWare)

0260 - Makiba no Omise (Japan) (v2) (WiiWare)

0261 - Makiba no Omise (Japan) (v256) (WiiWare)

Bokumo Sekai wo Sukuitai

0262 - Battle Tournament (Japan) (WiiWare)

0263 - Bokumo Sekai wo Sukuitai (Japan) (WiiWare)

Boku wa Plarail Untenshi

0264 - Shinkansen & Joukikikansha Hen (Japan) (WiiWare)

Bomberman '93 Series

0265 - Bomberman '93 (Europe) (TGX) (Virtual Console)

0266 - Bomberman '93 (USA) (TGX) (Virtual Console)

0267 - Bomberman '94 (Europe) (TGX) (Virtual Console)

0268 - Bomberman '94 (Japan) (PCE) (Virtual Console)

0269 - Bomberman '94 (USA) (TGX) (Virtual Console)

Beckerman Blast Series

0270 - Bomberman Blast (Europe) (WiiWare)

0271 - Bomberman Blast (USA) (WiiWare)

Bomberman Hero Series

0272 - Bomberman Hero – Millian-Oujo wo Sukue! (Japan) (N64) (Virtual Console)

0273 - Bomberman Hero (Europe) (N64) (Virtual Console)

0274 - Bomberman Hero (USA) (N64) (Virtual Console)

Bonanza Bros (Europe) (SMD): Bonk 3 – Bonk's Big Adventure (TGX), Bonk's Adventure (TGX), Bonk's Revenge (TGX), and Bonsai Barber (WiiWare) are all included in the Virtual Console for the European region. Bonanza Bros (Japan) has Bonk 3 – Bonk's Big Adventure, Bonk's Adventure, and Bonk's Revenge while Bonk's Revenge (USA) has only Bonk's Revenge available for the USA region.

Bonk's Big Adventure, Bonk's Adventure, and Bonk's Revenge have also made their way to SMD consoles in Europe, while the virtual console versions of these games are only available in Japan. The virtual console versions of Bonk's Adventure and Bonk's Revenge are also only available in the USA.

Lastly, Bonsai Barber is a WiiWare game that can be played on any Wii console. It has been released for the Wii region but cannot be found in the Virtual Console.

293 – Boy and His Blob, A – Trouble on Blobolonia (Europe) (NES) (Virtual Console), Boy and His Blob, A – Trouble on Blobolonia (USA) (NES) (Virtual Console), Brain Cadets (Europe) (WiiWare), Brain Challenge (Europe) (WiiWare), Brain Challenge (Japan) (WiiWare), Brain Challenge (USA) (WiiWare), Brain Drain (Europe) (WiiWare), Brain Drain (USA) (WiiWare), Bravoman (USA) (TGX) (Virtual Console), Brawl Brothers (Europe) (SNES) (Virtual Console), Brawl Brothers (USA) (SNES) (Virtual Console), Break In (Europe) (TGX) (Virtual Console), Break In (USA) (TGX) (Virtual Console), Breath of Fire II – Shimei no Ko (Japan) (SNES) (Virtual Console), Breath of Fire II (Europe) (SNES) (Virtual Console), Breath of Fire II (USA) (SNES) (Virtual Console), Bruiser and Scratch (USA) (WiiWare), Bubble Bobble (Europe) (NES) (Virtual Console), Bubble Bobble (Japan) (NES) (Virtual Console).

These are game titles and their respective regions that can be played on various consoles. The first three games, Boy and His Blob, Brain Cadets, and Brain Drain, are available on WiiWare for the Wii console. The next two games, Bravoman and Brawl Brothers, are available on the Virtual Console for Nintendo's GameCube. Break In and Bruiser and Scratch are available on WiiWare for the Wii console. Breath of Fire II – Shimei no Ko is available on SNES for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Lastly, Bubble Bobble is available on both NES for the Nintendo Entertainment System and SNES for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System.


| 日期 | 游戏名称 | 地区 | 类型 | 备注 |

| ---- | -------------------- | ---- | -------- | ---------------- |

| 0312 | Bubble Bobble (USA) (NES) (Virtual Console)| 美国 | 电子游戏 | WiiWare |

| 0313 | Bubble Bobble Plus! (Europe) (DLC) (WiiWare)| 欧洲 | 电子游戏 | WiiWare |

| 0314 | Bubble Bobble Plus! (Europe) (WiiWare)| 欧洲 | 电子游戏 | WiiWare |

| 0315 | Bubble Bobble Plus! (USA) (DLC) (WiiWare)| 美国 | 电子游戏 | WiiWare |

| 0316 | Bubble Bobble Plus! (USA) (WiiWare)| 美国 | 电子游戏 | WiiWare |

| 0317 | Bubble Bobble Wii (Japan) (DLC) (WiiWare)| 日本 | 电子游戏 | WiiWare |

| 0318 | Bubble Bobble Wii (Japan) (WiiWare)| 日本 | 电子游戏 | WiiWare |

| 0319 | BurgerTime (USA) (NES) (Virtual Console)| 美国 | 电子游戏 | WiiWare |

| 0320 | BurgerTime World Tour (Europe) (WiiWare)| 欧洲(World Tour版)| 电子游戏 | WiiWare |

| 0321 | BurgerTime World Tour (USA) (WiiWare)| 美国(World Tour版)| 电子游戏 | WiiWare |

| 0322 | Burning Fight (Europe) (NG) (Virtual Console)| 欧洲(NG版)| 电子游戏 | Virtual Console|

| 0323 | Burning Fight (Japan) (NG) (Virtual Console)| 日本(NG版)| 电子游戏 | Virtual Console|

| 0324 | Burning Fight (USA) (NG) (Virtual Console)| 美国(NG版)| 电子游戏 | Virtual Console|

| 0325 | Burning Force (Japan) (Arcade) (Virtual Console)| 日本(街机版)| 电子游戏 | Virtual Console|

| 0326 | Burn the Rope (USA) (WiiWare)| 美国(WiiWare版)| 电子游戏 | WiiWare |

| 0327 | Bust-a-Move Plus! (USA) (DLC) (WiiWare)| 美国(DLC版)| 电子游戏 | WiiWare |

| 0328 | Bust-a-Move Plus! (USA) (WiiWare)| 美国(WiiWare版)| 电子游戏 | WiiWare |


332 – Carmen Sandiego Adventures in Math – The Big Ben Burglary (USA) (WiiWare)

0333 – Carmen Sandiego Adventures in Math – The Case of the Crumbling Cathedral (USA) (WiiWare)

0334 – Carmen Sandiego Adventures in Math – The Great Gateway Grab (USA) (WiiWare)

0335 – Carmen Sandiego Adventures in Math – The Island of Diamonds (USA) (WiiWare)

0336 – Carmen Sandiego Adventures in Math – The Lady Liberty Larceny (USA) (WiiWare)

0337 – Carnival King (USA) (WiiWare)

0338 – Castlevania – Rondo of Blood (Europe) (TGX) (Virtual Console)

0339 – Castlevania – Rondo of Blood (USA) (TGX) (Virtual Console)

0340 – Castlevania – The Adventure ReBirth (Europe) (WiiWare)

0341 – Castlevania – The Adventure ReBirth (USA) (WiiWare)

0342 – Castlevania (Europe) (NES) (Virtual Console)

0343 – Castlevania (USA) (NES) (Virtual Console)

0344 – Castlevania II – Simon's Quest (Europe) (NES) (Virtual Console)

0345 – Castlevania II – Simon's Quest (USA) (NES) (Virtual Console)


| 游戏编号 | 游戏名称 | 发布地区 | 平台类型 | 是否为Virtual Console游戏 |


| 0346 | Castlevania III - Dracula's Curse | 欧洲 | NES | 是 |

| 0347 | Castlevania III - Dracula's Curse | 美国 | NES | 是 |

| 0348 | Cave Story | 欧洲 | WiiWare | 是 |

| 0349 | Cave Story (v258) | 美国 | WiiWare | 是 |

| 0350 | Cave Story (Demo) | 美国 | WiiWare | 是 |

| 0351 | Cave Story (USA) | 美国 | WiiWare | 是 |

| 0352 | Chack'n Pop | 日本 | NES | 是 |

| 0353 | Challenger | 日本 | NES | 是 |

| 0354 | Chameleon Kid | 日本 | SMD | 是 |

| 0355 | Championship LodeRunner | 日本 | NES | 是 |

| 0356 | Chase H.Q. | 欧洲 | TGX | 是 |

| 0357 | Chase H.Q. | 美国 | TGX | 是 |

| 0358 | Chelnov | 日本 | SMD | 是 |

| 0359 | Chess Challenge! |

366 – Chicken Battle! Chick Chick BOOM (Japan) (WiiWare)

0367 – China Warrior (Europe) (TGX) (Virtual Console)

0368 – China Warrior (USA) (TGX) (Virtual Console)

0369 – Chindouchuu!! Paul no Daibouken (Japan) (WiiWare)

0370 – Cho Aniki (Europe) (TGX) (Virtual Console)

0371 – Cho Aniki (Japan) (PCE) (Virtual Console)

0372 – Cho Aniki (USA) (TGX) (Virtual Console)

0373 – Chokkan! Balance Labyrinth (Japan) (WiiWare)

0374 – Chou Genjin (Japan) (SNES) (Virtual Console)

0375 – Chou Makaimura (Japan) (SNES) (Virtual Console)

0376 – Chou Wakusei Senki – Metafight (Japan) (NES) (Virtual Console)

0377 – Chouzetsu Rinjin – Berabow Man (Japan) (Arcade) (Virtual Console)

0378 – Christmas Clix (USA) (WiiWare)

0379 – Chronos Twins DX (Europe) (WiiWare)

0380 – Chronos Twins DX (USA) (WiiWare)

0381 – Chrono Trigger (Europe), PC Engine/CD-ROM, PlayStation and Game Boy Advance versions of Chrono Trigger are also included in the list. The game was developed by a team led by Hitoshi Sakimoto. The console versions were released on October 28, 1998 in Japan, while the PC Engine/CD-ROM, PlayStation and Game Boy Advance versions were released on November 15, 1998 worldwide. It is considered one of the best-selling games in the history of video games. The PC version received an updated release for the 25th anniversary of the original in 2018.

0382 – Chrono Trigger is a side-scrolling platformer with time travel elements set in an alternate universe. The player controls two characters, Samus Aran and Lt. Falcom, who travel through different eras to gather resources and defeat enemies. Each character has their own unique abilities and weapons. The game features both single-player and multiplayer modes, with each mode offering different levels and gameplay mechanics. The game's success led to numerous sequels and ports to other platforms.


City Connection (Europe) - Virtual Console


City Connection (Japan) - Virtual Console


City Connection (USA) - Virtual Console


Clay Fighter (Europe) - SMD Virtual Console


Clay Fighter (USA) - SMD Virtual Console


Clock Tower - SNES Virtual Console


Clu Clu Land - Welcome to New Clu Clu Land - Japan - NES Virtual Console


Clu Clu Land - Europe Virtual Console


Clu Clu Land - USA Virtual Console


Cocoto Fishing Master - Europe WiiWare


Cocoto Fishing Master - USA WiiWare


Cocoto Platform Jumper - Europe WiiWare


Cocoto Platform Jumper - USA WiiWare


ColorZ - Europe WiiWare


ColorZ - Japan WiiWare


ColorZ - USA WiiWare


Columns (Europe) - SMD Virtual Console


Columns (Japan) - SMD Virtual Console


Columns (USA) - SMD Virtual Console


Columns III - Revenge of Columns - Europe SMD Virtual Console


0404 – Columns III – Revenge of Columns (USA) (SMD) (Virtual Console):美国版的“柱之复仇”(Columns III – Revenge of Columns)。

0405 – Columns III – Taiketsu! Columns World (Japan) (SMD) (Virtual Console):日本版的“柱之世界”(Columns III – Taiketsu! Columns World)。

0406 – Combatribes, The (USA) (SNES) (Virtual Console):美国版的“Combatribes, The”。

0407 – Comix Zone (Europe) (SMD) (Virtual Console):欧洲版的“Comix Zone”。

0408 – Comix Zone (Japan) (SMD) (Virtual Console):日本版的“Comix Zone”。

0409 – Comix Zone (USA) (SMD) (Virtual Console):美国版的“Comix Zone”。

0410 – Contra (Japan) (MSX) (Virtual Console):日本版的“Contra”。

0411 – Contra III – The Alien Wars (USA) (SNES) (Virtual Console):美国版的“Contra III – The Alien Wars”。

0412 – Contra ReBirth (Europe) (WiiWare):欧洲版的“Contra ReBirth”(在WiiWare上)。

0413 – Contra ReBirth (Japan) (WiiWare):日本版的“Contra ReBirth”(在WiiWare上)。

0414 – Contra ReBirth (USA) (WiiWare):美国版的“Contra ReBirth”(在WiiWare上)。

0415 – Contra Spirits (Japan) (SNES) (Virtual Console):日本版的“Contra Spirits”。

0416 – Copter Crisis (Europe) (DLC) (WiiWare):欧洲版的“Copter Crisis”DLC(在WiiWare上)。

0417 – Copter Crisis (Europe) (WiiWare):欧洲版的“Copter Crisis”(在WiiWare上)。

0418 – Copter Crisis (USA) (DLC) (WiiWare):美国版的“Copter Crisis”DLC(在WiiWare上)。

0419 – Copter Crisis (USA) (WiiWare):美国版的“Copter Crisis”(在WiiWare上)。

0420 – Cosmo Gang – The Puzzle (Japan) (Arcade) (Virtual Console):日本版的“Cosmo Gang – The Puzzle”(在街机和虚拟控制台上)。

0421 – Cosmo Gang – The Video (Japan) (Arcade) (Virtual Console):日本版的“Cosmo Gang – The Video”(在街机和虚拟控制台上)。

0422 – Cosmo Gang the Puzzle

423 – Cozy Fire (Europe) (WiiWare)

0424 – Cozy Fire (USA) (WiiWare)

0425 – Crack Down (Europe) (SMD) (Virtual Console)

0426 – Crash 'n the Boys – Street Challenge (USA) (NES) (Virtual Console)

0427 – Cratermaze (Europe) (TGX) (Virtual Console)

0428 – Cratermaze (USA) (TGX) (Virtual Console)

0429 – Crazy Climber (Japan) (Arcade) (Virtual Console)

0430 – Cricket Challenge (Europe) (WiiWare)

0431 – Critter Round-Up (Europe) (WiiWare)

0432 – Critter Round-Up (USA) (WiiWare)

0433 – Cruis'n USA (Europe) (N64) (Virtual Console)

0434 – Cruis'n USA (USA) (N64) (Virtual Console)

0435 – Cruise Party (Europe) (WiiWare)

0436 – Cruise Party (USA) (WiiWare)

0437 – Crystal Defenders R1 (Europe) (WiiWare)

0438 – Crystal Defenders R1 (Japan) (WiiWare)

0439 – Crystal Defenders R1 (USA) (WiiWare)

0440 – Crystal Defenders R2 (Europe) (WiiWare)

0441 – Crystal Defenders R2 (Japan) (WiiWare)

0442 – Crystal Defenders R2 (USA) (WiiWare)

0443 – Cue Sports – Snooker vs. Billiards (Europe) (WiiWare)


0444 - Cue Sports - Wi-Fi Taisen Billiards (Japan)(WiiWare)

0445 - Custom Robo V2 (Japan)(N64)(Virtual Console)

0446 - Cybernator (Europe)(SNES)(Virtual Console)

0447 - Cybernator (USA)(SNES)(Virtual Console)

0448 - Cybernoid - The Fighting Machine (Europe)(C64)(Virtual Console)

0449 - Cybernoid - The Fighting Machine (USA)(C64)(Virtual Console)

0450 - Cyber Sled (Japan)(Arcade)(Virtual Console)

0451 - Daigasso Band Brothers DX Speaker Channel Shop (Japan)(Channel)[b]

0452 - Daikoukai Jidai II (Japan)(SNES)(Virtual Console)

0453 - Dai Makaimura (Japan)(PCE)(Virtual Console)

0454 - Dai Makaimura (Japan)(SMD)(Virtual Console)

0455 - Darius Twin (Japan)(SNES)(Virtual Console)

0456 - Darius Twin (USA)(SNES)(Virtual Console)

0457 - Dart Rage (USA)(WiiWare)

0458 - Darts Wii (Japan)(WiiWare)

0459 - Data Boggu Channel (Korea)(Update)(Channel)

0460 - Dead Moon (Europe)(TGX)(Virtual Console)

0461 - Dead Moon (USA)(TGX)(Virtual Console)


- 游戏名称:Deer Captor (美国)(WiiWare)

- 游戏名称:Deer Drive Legends (美国)(WiiWare)

- 游戏名称:Defend Your Castle (欧洲)(WiiWare)

- 游戏名称:Defend Your Castle (美国)(WiiWare)

- 游戏名称:Densetsu no Ogre Battle (日本)(SNES)(Virtual Console)

- 游戏名称:Devil's Crush (欧洲)(TGX)(Virtual Console)

- 游戏名称:Devil's Crush (美国)(TGX)(Virtual Console)

- 游戏名称:Devil World (欧洲)(NES)(Virtual Console)

- 游戏名称:Devil World (日本)(NES)(Virtual Console)

- 游戏名称:Diatomic (美国)(WiiWare)

- 游戏名称:Dig Dug (欧洲)(NES)(Virtual Console)

- 游戏名称:Dig Dug (日本)(Arcade)(Virtual Console)


483 – Dig Dug (USA) (NES) (Virtual Console)

0484 – Dig Dug II (Japan) (Arcade) (Virtual Console)

0485 – Digicam Print Channel (Japan) (Channel)

0486 – Digital Champ Battle Boxing (Europe) (TGX) (Virtual Console)

0487 – Digital Champ Battle Boxing (USA) (TGX) (Virtual Console)

0488 – Diner Dash (Europe) (WiiWare)

0489 – Diner Dash (Japan) (WiiWare)

0490 – Diner Dash (USA) (WiiWare)

0491 – Discipline – Teikoku no Tanjyou (Japan) (WiiWare)

0492 – Dive – The Medes Islands Secret (Europe) (WiiWare)

0493 – Dive – The Medes Islands Secret (USA) (WiiWare)

0494 – DJ Hero – Track Pack (Europe) (DJH)

0495 – DJ Hero – Track Pack (USA) (DJH)

0496 – Doc Clock – The Toasted Sandwich of Time (USA) (WiiWare)

0497 – Doc Louis's Punch-Out!! (USA) (Promo) (WiiWare)

0498 – Donkey Kong 3 (Europe) (NES) (Virtual Console)

0499 – Donkey Kong 3 (Japan) (NES) (Virtual Console)

0500 – Donkey Kong 3 (USA) (NES) (Virtual Console)

0501 – Donkey Kong – Original Edition (Europe) (Promo) (NES) (Virtual Console)



// 欧洲版的 Donkey Kong (NES) 游戏(Virtual Console)

0502 - Donkey Kong (Europe) (NES) (Virtual Console)

// 日本版的 Donkey Kong (NES) 游戏(Virtual Console)

0503 - Donkey Kong (Japan) (NES) (Virtual Console)

// 美国版的 Donkey Kong (NES) 游戏(Virtual Console)

0504 - Donkey Kong (USA) (NES) (Virtual Console)

// 欧洲版的 Donkey Kong Country 2 游戏(SNES)(Virtual Console),包含 Diddy's Kong Quest 关卡

0505 - Donkey Kong Country 2 – Diddy's Kong Quest (Europe) (SNES) (Virtual Console)

// 德国版的 Donkey Kong Country 2 游戏(SNES)(Virtual Console),包含 Diddy's Kong Quest 关卡

0506 - Donkey Kong Country 2 – Diddy's Kong Quest (Germany) (SNES) (Virtual Console)

// 美国版的 Donkey Kong Country 2 游戏(SNES)(Virtual Console),包含 Diddy's Kong Quest 关卡

0507 - Donkey Kong Country 2 – Diddy's Kong Quest (USA) (SNES) (Virtual Console)

// 欧洲版的 Donkey Kong Country 3 游戏(SNES)(Virtual Console),包含 Dixie Kong's Double Trouble! 关卡

0508 - Donkey Kong Country 3 – Dixie Kong's Double Trouble! (Europe) (SNES) (Virtual Console)

// 美国版的 Donkey Kong Country 3 游戏(SNES)(Virtual Console),包含 Dixie Kong's Double Trouble! 关卡

0509 - Donkey Kong Country 3 – Dixie Kong's Double Trouble! (USA) (SNES) (Virtual Console)

// 美国版的 Donkey Kong Country 游戏(SNES)(Virtual Console)

0510 - Donkey Kong Country (USA) (SNES) (Virtual Console)

// 美国版的 Donkey Kong Jr. 游戏(NES)(Virtual Console)

0511 - Donkey Kong Jr. (USA) (NES) (Virtual Console)

// 欧洲版的 Donkey Kong Jr. 游戏(NES)(Virtual Console)

0512 - Donkey Kong Jr. (Europe) (NES) (Virtual Console)

// 日本版的 Donkey Kong Jr. 游戏(NES)(Virtual Console)

0513 - Donkey Kong Jr. (Japan) (NES) (Virtual Console)

// 日本版的 Donkey Kong Jr. Math 游戏(NES)(Virtual Console),包含数学关卡

0514 - Donkey Kong Jr. Math (Europe) (NES) (Virtual Console)


516 – Donkey Kong Jr. Math (USA) (NES) (Virtual Console)

0517 – Donkey Kong Jr. no Sansou Asobi (Japan) (NES) (Virtual Console)

0518 – DoReMi Fantasy – Milon's DokiDoki Adventure (Europe) (SNES) (Virtual Console)

0519 – DoReMi Fantasy – Milon's DokiDoki Adventure (USA) (SNES) (Virtual Console)

0520 – DoReMi Fantasy – Milon no DokiDoki Daibouken (Japan) (SNES) (Virtual Console)

0521 – Double Dragon (Europe) (NES) (Virtual Console)

0522 – Double Dragon (Japan) (NES) (Virtual Console)

0523 – Double Dragon (USA) (NES) (Virtual Console)

0524 – Double Dragon II – The Revenge (Europe) (NES) (Virtual Console)

0525 – Double Dragon II – The Revenge (USA) (NES) (Virtual Console)

0526 – Double Dribble (Europe) (NES) (Virtual Console)

0527 – Double Dribble (USA) (NES) (Virtual Console)

0528 – Double Dungeons (Europe) (TGX) (Virtual Console)

0529 – Double Dungeons (USA) (TGX) (Virtual Console)

0530 – Downtown Nekketsu Dodgeball (Japan) (WiiWare)

531 - Downtown Nekketsu Koushinkyoku: Soreyuke Daiundoukai (Japan) (NES) (Virtual Console)

0532 - Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari: Soreyuke Daiundoukai (Japan) (NES) (Virtual Console)

0533 - Downtown Special Kunio-kun no Jidaigeki Dayo Zennin Shuugou (Japan) (NES) (Virtual Console)

0534 - Dr. Mario & Germ Buster: Europe (v256) (WiiWare)

0535 - Dr. Mario & Germ Buster: Europe (WiiWare)

0536 - Dr. Mario & Saikin Bokumetsu: Japan (v256) (WiiWare)

0537 - Dr. Mario & Saikin Bokumetsu: Japan (WiiWare)

0538 - Dr. Mario Online Rx: USA (v256) (WiiWare)

0539 - Dr. Mario Online Rx: USA (WiiWare)

0540 - Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine: Europe (SMD) (Virtual Console)

0541 - Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine: USA (SMD) (Virtual Console)

0542 - Dracula – Undead Awakening: Europe (WiiWare)

0543 - Dracula – Undead Awakening: USA (WiiWare)

0544 - Dracula Densetsu ReBirth: Japan (WiiWare)

0545 - Dracula II – Noroi no Fuuin: Japan (NES) (Virtual Console)


| 序号 | 游戏名称 | 发行平台 | 备注 |

| --- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------- |

| 0546 | Dragon's Curse (Europe) (TGX) (Virtual Console) | |

| 0547 | Dragon's Curse (USA) (TGX) (Virtual Console) | |

| 0548 | Dragon Buster (Japan) (Arcade) (Virtual Console) | |

| 0549 | Dragon Buster (Japan) (NES) (Virtual Console) | |

| 0550 | Dragon Master Spell Caster (Europe) (WiiWare) | |

| 0551 | Dragon Master Spell Caster (USA) (WiiWare) | |

| 0552 | Dragon Quest Monsters – Battle Victory (Japan) (DLC) (DQM) | |

| 0553 | Dragon Saber (Japan) (Arcade) (Virtual Console) | |

| 0554 | Dragon Slayer – Eiyu Densetsu (Japan) (PCE) (Virtual Console) | |

| 0555 | Dragon Spirit (Europe) (TGX) (Virtual Console) | |

| 0556 | Dragon Spirit (Japan) (Arcade) (Virtual Console) | |

| 0557 | Dragon Spirit (USA) (TGX) (Virtual Console) | |

| 0558 | Driift Mania (Europe) (WiiWare) | |

| 0559 | Driift Mania (USA) (WiiWare) | |

| 0560 | Drill Sergeant Mindstrong (USA) (WiiWare) | |

| 0561 | Drop Off (Europe) (TGX) (Virtual Console) | |

| 0562 | Drop Off (USA) (TGX) (Virtual Console) | |

| 0563 | Drop Zone – Under Fire (USA) (WiiWare) | |

| 0564 | Druaga no Tou (Japan) (Arcade) (Virtual Console) |


1. Druaga no Tou (Japan) (NES) (Virtual Console)

2. Dungeon Explorer (Europe) (TGX) (Virtual Console)

3. Dungeon Explorer (USA) (TGX) (Virtual Console)

4. Dungeon Explorer II (Japan) (PCE) (Virtual Console)

5. Dyna Brothers 2 Special (Japan) (SMD) (Virtual Console)

6. Dynamite Headdy (Europe) (SMD) (Virtual Console)

7. Dynamite Headdy (USA) (SMD) (Virtual Console)

8. Dynastic Hero, The (Europe) (TGX) (Virtual Console)

9. Dynastic Hero, The (USA) (TGX) (Virtual Console)

10. Earthworm Jim 2 (Europe) (SMD) (Virtual Console)

11. Earthworm Jim 2 (Japan) (SMD) (Virtual Console)

12. Earthworm Jim 2 (USA) (SMD) (Virtual Console)

13. Earthworm Jim (Europe) (SMD) (Virtual Console)

14. Earthworm Jim (Japan) (SMD) (Virtual Console)

15. Earthworm Jim (USA) (SMD) (Virtual Console)

16. Eat! Fat! FIGHT! (Europe) (WiiWare)

17. Eat! Fat! FIGHT! (USA) (WiiWare)

18. Ecco – The Tides of Time (Europe) (SMD) (Virtual Console)


1. Ecco – The Tides of Time (USA) (SMD) (Virtual Console)

2. Ecco Jr. (Europe) (SMD) (Virtual Console)

3. Ecco Jr. (USA) (SMD) (Virtual Console)

4. Ecco the Dolphin (Europe) (SMD) (Virtual Console)

5. Ecco the Dolphin (USA) (SMD) (Virtual Console)

6. Eco Shooter – Plant 530 (Europe) (WiiWare)

7. Eco Shooter – Plant 530 (USA) (WiiWare)

8. Eduardo the Samurai Toaster (USA) (WiiWare)

9. Eggy (Japan) (MSX) (Virtual Console)

10. Elevator Action (Japan) (NES) (Virtual Console)

11. Elevator Action (USA) (NES) (Virtual Console)

12. Emeraldia (Japan) (v256) (Arcade) (Virtual Console)

13. Enduro Racer (Europe) (SMS) (Virtual Console)

14. Enduro Racer (Japan) (SMS) (Virtual Console)

15. Enduro Racer (USA) (SMS) (Virtual Console)

16. Enjoy Your Massage! (Europe) (WiiWare)

17. Enjoy your Massage! (USA) (WiiWare)

18. Equilibrio (Europe) (WiiWare)

19. Equilibrio (USA) (WiiWare)

20. EscapeVektor – Chapter 1 (Europe) (WiiWare)

603 – EscapeVektor – Chapter 1 (USA) (WiiWare): This is the first chapter of EscapeVektor, a WiiWare game released in the USA.

0604 – Esper Dream (Japan) (NES) (Virtual Console): Esper Dream, a game developed in Japan, is available on the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) as part of the Virtual Console.

0605 – ESWAT – City Under Siege (Europe) (SMD) (Virtual Console): ESWAT – City Under Siege, developed in Europe, is available on the Super Micro Computer (SMD) as part of the Virtual Console.

0606 – Eternal Champions (Europe) (SMD) (Virtual Console): Eternal Champions, created in Europe, is available on the Super Micro Computer (SMD) as part of the Virtual Console.

0607 – Eternal Champions (USA) (SMD) (Virtual Console): Eternal Champions, developed in the USA, is also available on the Super Micro Computer (SMD) as part of the Virtual Console.

0608 – Evasive Space (USA) (WiiWare): Evasive Space, a game developed in the USA, is available on WiiWare.

0609 – Everybody Votes Channel (USA) (Channel): Everybody Votes Channel is a channel located in the USA that offers various games for different platforms.

0610 – Excitebike – World Challenge (Europe) (WiiWare): Excitebike – World Challenge is a game available on WiiWare and developed in Europe.

0611 – Excitebike – World Race (Japan) (WiiWare): Excitebike – World Race is another game developed in Japan and available on WiiWare.

0612 – Excitebike – World Rally (USA) (v512) (WiiWare): Excitebike – World Rally, which was previously known as Excitebike – World Rally v512, is also available on WiiWare and developed in the USA.

0613 – Excitebike – World Rally (USA) (WiiWare): Excitebike – World Rally is also available on WiiWare and developed in the USA.

0614 – Excitebike (Europe) (NES) (Virtual Console): Excitebike, a game developed in Europe and originally available on the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), is also available on the Virtual Console.

0615 – Excitebike (Japan) (NES) (Virtual Console): Excitebike, which was developed in Japan, is also available on the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) as part of the Virtual Console.

0616 – Excitebike (USA) (NES) (Virtual Console): Finally, Excitebike, which was developed in the USA, is also available on the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) as part of the Virtual Console.

0617 – Exed Exes (Europe) (Arcade) (Virtual Console): Exed Exes, developed in Europe and available on arcade machines as part of the Virtual Console, is another example of a game available through this platform.

0618 – Exed Exes


| 日期 | 游戏名称 | 平台 |

| ------- | ---------------------------------- | ----------- |

| 0622 | F-Zero (Europe) (SNES) | Virtual Console |

| 0623 | F-Zero (Japan) (SNES) | Virtual Console |

| 0624 | F-Zero (USA) (SNES) | Virtual Console |

| 0625 | F-Zero X (Europe) (N64) | Virtual Console |

| 0626 | F-Zero X (Japan) (N64) | Virtual Console |

| 0627 | F-Zero X (USA) (N64) | Virtual Console |

| 0628 | Face Off (Japan) (Arcade) | Virtual Console |

| 0629 | Famicom Bunko – Hajimari no Mori (Japan) (SNES) | Virtual Console |

| 0630 | Famicom Mukashibanashi – Shin Onigashima Zenkouhen (Japan) (NES) | Virtual Console |

| 0631 | Famicom Tantei Club – Kieta Koukeisha (Japan) (NES) | Virtual Console |

| 0632 | Famicom Tantei Club Part II – Ushiro ni Tatsu Shoujo (Japan) (NES) | Virtual Console |

| 0633 | Famicom Tantei Club Part II – Ushiro ni Tatsu Shoujo (Japan) (SNES) | Virtual Console |

| 0634 | Famicom Wars (日本) (NES) | Virtual Console |

| 0635 | Family & Friends Party (欧洲) (v7) (WiiWare)|












































Fantasic Cube (Japan) (WiiWare):

This game is available as part of the WiiWare platform and is exclusive to Japan. It features a unique and exciting gameplay experience that is sure to captivate players.

Fantastic Tambourine (Japan) (WiiWare):

Like Fantasic Cube, this game is also available on the WiiWare platform and is only available in Japan. It offers a different kind of gaming experience with its innovative use of percussion instruments.

Fantasy Slots – Adventure Slots and Games (USA) (WiiWare):

For fans of slots and casino games, Fantasy Slots – Adventure Slots and Games is a must-have game. This game is available on the WiiWare platform and is exclusively for players in the USA.

Fantasy Zone (Europe) (SMS) (Virtual Console):

The Fantasy Zone series has been a staple in arcade gaming for decades, and now it's available on the SMS virtual console in Europe. Players can enjoy classic games like this one, with all the nostalgia of an arcade machine.

Fantasy Zone (Japan) (SMS) (Virtual Console):

As with the European version, the Japanese version of Fantasy Zone is also available on the SMS virtual console. This game is a must-play for fans of classic arcade games from yesteryear.

Fantasy Zone (USA) (SMS) (Virtual Console):

For those in the United States, the Fantasy Zone series is also available on the SMS virtual console. Players can enjoy this classic arcade game without ever leaving their home.

Fantasy Zone II – Opa-Opa no Namida (Japan) (SMS) (Virtual Console):

The sequel to the original Fantasy Zone game, this installment features new levels and challenges for players to overcome. With its colorful graphics and addictive gameplay, it's a must-play for fans of the series.

Fantasy Zone II – The Tears of Opa-Opa (Europe) (SMS) (Virtual Console):

This version of Fantasy Zone II is exclusive to Europe and features a new storyline and gameplay mechanics that set it apart from other versions. Fans of the series should not miss out on this exciting addition.

Fantasy Zone II – The Tears of Opa-Opa (USA) (SMS) (Virtual Console):

Similar to the European version, the US version of Fantasy Zone II features a new storyline and gameplay mechanics that make it stand out from other versions. Players in the United States can enjoy this exciting addition to the series.

FAST – Racing League (Europe) (WiiWare):

FAST – Racing League is a racing game developed specifically for the WiiWare platform. Its unique blend of fast-paced action and competitive gameplay makes it a must-play for fans of racing games.

FAST – Racing League (USA) (WiiWare):

Players in the United States can enjoy FAST – Racing League, which is available on the WiiWare platform. This game offers an exciting racing experience with its high-speed action and competitive gameplay.


| 序号 | 游戏名称 | 地区 | 平台 | 备注 |


| 0676 | Fatal Fury (Europe) | NG | Virtual Console | |

| 0677 | Fatal Fury (USA) | NG | Virtual Console | |

| 0678 | Fatal Fury Special (Europe) | NG | Virtual Console | |

| 0679 | Fatal Fury Special (USA) | NG | Virtual Console | |

| 0680 | Faxanadu (Europe) | NES | Virtual Console | |

| 0681 | Faxanadu (Japan) | NES | Virtual Console | |

| 0682 | Faxanadu (USA) | NES | Virtual Console | |

| 0683 | Fenimore Fillmore – The Westerner (Europe) | WiiWare | | |

| 0684 | Fenimore Fillmore – The Westerner (USA) | WiiWare | | |

| 0685 | Field Combat (Japan) | NES | Virtual Console | |

| 0686 | Fighter's History Dynamite (USA)|NG | Virtual Console | |

| 0687 | Fighting Street (Europe) | TGX | Virtual Console | |

| 0688 | Fighting Street (Japan) | PCE | Virtual Console | v256版本,PCE平台。 |

| 0689 | Fighting Street (USA) | TGX | Virtual Console | |

| 0690 | Final Fantasy (Europe) | NES | Virtual Console | |

| 0691 | Final Fantasy (Japan) | NES | Virtual Console | |

| 0692 | Final Fantasy (USA) | NES | Virtual Console | |


0694 – Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles – My Life as a Darklord (Europe) (Demo) (WiiWare):这是欧洲地区的《最终幻想水晶传奇——我的人生为黑暗领主》试玩版(WiiWare)。

0695 – Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles – My Life as a Darklord (Europe) (DLC) (WiiWare):这是欧洲地区的《最终幻想水晶传奇——我的人生为黑暗领主》(DLC)(WiiWare)。

0696 – Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles – My Life as a Darklord (Europe) (WiiWare):这是欧洲地区的《最终幻想水晶传奇——我的人生为黑暗领主》(WiiWare)。

0697 – Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles – My Life as a Darklord (USA) (Demo) (WiiWare):这是美国地区的《最终幻想水晶传奇——我的人生为黑暗领主》试玩版(WiiWare)。

0698 – Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles – My Life as a Darklord (USA) (DLC) (WiiWare):这是美国地区的《最终幻想水晶传奇——我的人生为黑暗领主》(DLC)(WiiWare)。

0699 – Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles – My Life as a Darklord (USA) (WiiWare):这是美国地区的《最终幻想水晶传奇——我的人生为黑暗领主》(WiiWare)。

0700 – Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles – My Life as a King (Europe) (DLC) (WiiWare):这是欧洲地区的《最终幻想水晶传奇——我的人生为国王》(DLC)(WiiWare)。

0701 – Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles – My Life as a King (Europe) (WiiWare):这是欧洲地区的《最终幻想水晶传奇——我的人生为国王》(WiiWare)。

0702 – Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles – My Life as a King (Japan) (DLC) (WiiWare):这是日本地区的《最终幻想水晶传奇——我的人生为国王》(DLC)(WiiWare)。

0703 – Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles – My Life as a King (Japan) (v2) (WiiWare):这是日本地区的《最终幻想水晶传奇——我的人生为国王》(v2)(WiiWare)。

0704 – Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles – My Life as a King (Japan) (v256) (WiiWare):这是日本地区的《最终幻想水晶传奇——我的人生为国王》(v256)(WiiWare)。

705 – Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles – My Life as a King (USA) (DLC) (WiiWare)

0706 – Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles – My Life as a King (USA) (WiiWare)

0707 – Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles – The Tower of the Chaos Princess (Japan) (Demo) (WiiWare)

0708 – Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles – The Tower of the Chaos Princess (Japan) (DLC) (WiiWare)

0709 – Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles – The Tower of the Chaos Princess (Japan) (WiiWare)

0710 – Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles – The World of the Little King (Japan) (DLC) (WiiWare)

0711 – Final Fantasy II (Europe) (SNES) (Virtual Console)

0712 – Final Fantasy II (Japan) (NES) (Virtual Console)

0713 – Final Fantasy II (USA) (SNES) (Virtual Console)

0714 – Final Fantasy III (Europe) (SNES) (Virtual Console)

0715 – Final Fantasy III (Japan) (NES) (Virtual Console)

0716 – Final Fantasy III (USA) (SNES) (Virtual Console)

0717 – Final Fantasy IV – The After Years – Tsuki no Kikan (Japan) (DLC) (WiiWare)

718 – Final Fantasy IV – The After Years - Tsuki no Kikan (Japan) (WiiWare)

0719 – Final Fantasy IV – The After Years (Europe) (DLC) (WiiWare)

0720 – Final Fantasy IV – The After Years (Europe) (WiiWare)

0721 – Final Fantasy IV – The After Years (USA) (DLC) (WiiWare)

0722 – Final Fantasy IV – The After Years (USA) (WiiWare)

0723 – Final Fantasy IV (Japan) (SNES) (Virtual Console)

0724 – Final Fantasy Mystic Quest (USA) (SNES) (Virtual Console)

0725 – Final Fantasy USA – Mystic Quest (Japan) (SNES) (Virtual Console)

0726 – Final Fantasy V (Japan) (SNES) (Virtual Console)

0727 – Final Fantasy VI (Japan) (SNES) (Virtual Console)

0728 – Final Fight 2 (Europe) (SNES) (Virtual Console)

0729 – Final Fight 2 (USA) (SNES) (Virtual Console)

0730 – Final Fight 3 (Europe) (SNES) (Virtual Console)

0731 – Final Fight 3 (USA) (SNES) (Virtual Console)

0732 – Final Fight (Europe) (SNES) (Virtual Console)

0733 – Final Fight (Japan) (SNES) (Virtual Console)


- 动作游戏:

- Final Fight (USA) (SNES) (Virtual Console)

- Final Fight Tough (Japan) (SNES) (Virtual Console)

- Final Soldier (Europe) (TGX) (Virtual Console)

- Final Soldier (USA) (TGX) (Virtual Console)

- 即时战略游戏:

- Finest Hour (Japan) (Arcade) (Virtual Console)

- Fire Emblem – Ankoku Ryuu to Hikari no Tsurugi (Japan) (NES) (Virtual Console)

- Fire Emblem – Monshou no Nazo (Japan) (SNES) (Virtual Console)

- Fire Emblem – Seisen no Keifu (Japan) (SNES) (Virtual Console)

- Fire Emblem – Thracia 776 (Japan) (SNES) (Virtual Console)

- Fire Emblem Gaiden (Japan) (NES) (Virtual Console)

- 其他游戏:

- Fireplacing (USA) (WiiWare)

- Fish'em All (Europe) (WiiWare)

- Fish'em All (USA) (Demo) (WiiWare)

- Fish'em All (USA) (WiiWare)

- Fish Eyes Challenge (Japan) (WiiWare)

- Fishie Fishie (Europe) (WiiWare)

- Fishie Fishie (USA) (WiiWare)

- Fish Tank (Europe) (WiiWare)

- Fish Tank (USA) (WiiWare)


- 游戏名称、地区、平台和类型:Flappy、Flight Control、Flowerworks、Fluidity、Football Up!、Forgotten Worlds、Formation Z、Frobot、Frogger – Hyper Arcade Edition、Frogger Returns、Front Line、Front Mission Series – Gun Hazard。

- 发行时间:0753(日本NES)、0754(欧洲WiiWare)、0755(美国WiiWare)。

- 其他信息:Demo、Virtual Console、SMD。



游戏名称 发行时间 其他信息 地区 平台 类型

Flappy 0753(日本NES) Demo 日本 NES 虚拟控制台

Flight Control 0754(欧洲WiiWare) WiiWare 欧洲 WiiWare

Flowerworks 0756(美国WiiWare) WiiWare 美国 WiiWare

Fluidity 0758(美国Demo) WiiWare 美国 Demo WiiWare

Flight Control 0755(美国WiiWare) WiiWare 美国 WiiWare

Flowerworks 0757(美国WiiWare) WiiWare 美国 WiiWare

Fluidity 0759(美国WiiWare) WiiWare 美国 WiiWare

Football Up! 0760(欧洲WiiWare) WiiWare 欧洲 WiiWare

Forgotten Worlds 0761(日本SMD) Virtual控制台 日本 SMD

Forgotten Worlds 0762(日本SMD) Virtual控制台 日本 SMD

Forgotten Worlds 0763(美国SMD) Virtual控制台 美国 SMD

Formation Z 0764(日本NES) Virtual控制台 日本 NES

Frobot 0765(美国Demo) WiiWare 美国 Demo WiiWare

Frobot 0766(美国WiiWare) WiiWare 美国 WiiWare

Frogger – Hyper Arcade Edi... 0768(欧洲WiiWare) WiiWare 欧洲 WiiWare

Frogger – Hyper Arcade Edi... 0769(日本WiiWare) WiiWare 日本 WiiWare

Frogger Returns 0770(日本WiiWare) WiiWare 日本 WiiWare

Frogger Returns 0771(美国WiiWare) WiiWare 美国 WiiWare

Frogger Returns 0772(欧洲WiiWare) WiiWare 欧洲 WiiWare

Front Line 077


1. Fun! Fun! Minigolf ( Europe) (WiiWare)

2. Fun! Fun! Minigolf ( Japan) (WiiWare)

3. Fun! Fun! Minigolf ( USA) (WiiWare)

4. Furry Legends ( Europe) (WiiWare)

5. Furry Legends ( USA) (Demo) (WiiWare)

6. Furry Legends ( USA) (WiiWare)

7. Fushigi no Dungeon 2 – Furai no Shiren ( Japan) (SNES) (Virtual Console)

8. Gabrielle's Ghostly Groove – Monster Mix ( Europe) (WiiWare)

9. Gabrielle's Ghostly Groove – Monster Mix ( USA) (WiiWare)

10. Gain Ground ( Europe) (SMD) (Virtual Console)

11. Gain Ground ( USA) (SMD) (Virtual Console)

12. Gakkou de atta Kowai Hanashi ( Japan) (SNES) (Virtual Console)

13. Galaga '88 ( Japan) (Arcade) (Virtual Console)

14. Galaga '90 ( Europe) (TGX) (Virtual Console)

15. Galaga '90 ( USA) (TGX) (Virtual Console)

16. Galaga ( Europe) (NES) (Virtual Console)

17. Galaga ( Japan) (Arcade) (Virtual Console)

18. Galaga ( Japan) (NES) (Virtual Console)

19. Galaga ( USA) (NES) (Virtual Console)



Virtual Console| 地区| 游戏名称


0793| Japan| Galaxian (Japan) (Arcade)

0794| Europe| Galaxy Force II (Europe) (SMD)

0795| USA| Galaxy Force II (USA) (SMD)

0796| Japan| Game Sound Station (Japan) (WiiWare)

0797| Japan| Ganbare Goemon 2 – Kiteretsu Shogun Magginesu (Japan) (SNES)

0798| Japan| Ganbare Goemon 3 – Shishijuurokube no Karakuri Manji Gatame (Japan) (SNES)

0799| Japan| Ganbare Goemon – Yukihime Kyuushutsu Emaki (Japan) (SNES)

0800| Japan| Ganbare Goemon! Karakuri Douchuu (Japan) (NES)

0801| Europe| Gaplus (Europe) (Arcade)

0802| Japan| Gaplus (Japan) (Arcade)

0803| USA| Gaplus (USA) (Arcade)

0804| Japan| Garou Densetsu – Shukumei no Tatakai (Japan) (NG)

0805| Japan| Garou Densetsu Special (Japan) (NG)

0806| Europe| Gate of Thunder (Europe) (TGX)

0807| Japan| Gate of Thunder (Japan) (PCE)

0808| USA| Gate of Thunder (USA) (TGX)

809 – Gekikame Ninja Den (Japan) (NES) (Virtual Console)

0810 – Gene Labs (USA) (WiiWare)

0811 – Genghis Khan II – Clan of the Gray Wolf (USA) (SNES) (Virtual Console)

0812 – Genpei Toumaden (Japan) (Arcade) (Virtual Console)

0813 – Getsu Fuuma Den (Japan) (NES) (Virtual Console)

以下游戏在2009年发行,并加入了Game Boy Advance Virtual Console。请注意,这些游戏中的某些游戏可能已于2014年从任天堂的在线服务中下架或停止支持:

- 0814 - Ghost Mania(欧洲)(WiiWare)

- 0815 - Ghost Mania(美国)(WiiWare)

- 0816 - Ghost Mansion Party(欧洲)(WiiWare)

- 0817 - Ghost Mansion Party(日本)(WiiWare)

- 0818 - Ghost Mansion Party(美国)(WiiWare)

- 0821 - ghosts 'n Goblins(美国)(Arcade)(Virtual Console)