
A: 你喜欢哪种运动?

B: 我喜欢所有的户外运动。


A: 昨天你去哪儿了?

B: 我去了公园打网球。

A: 你多久打一次网球?

B: 每星期两次。你呢?

A: 我很少打网球,我更喜欢足球和篮球。


B: 但是要凑足一队球员是很难的。


A: 你喜欢看足球比赛吗?

B: 是的,我上星期天还到天河体育中心去看足球比赛了呢。


A: 你需要帮忙吗?

:Well, I'm planning to travel next month and was wondering if I could purchase some travel insurance here?

A:Yes, you can. Where are you going?

B:I'm heading to Thailand.

A:Do you plan on participating in any extreme sports activities such as bungee jumping or cliff diving?

B:I hope not. Why do I need to answer that?

A:Not all of our policies cover accidents caused by these types of activities. It's important to know the coverage before purchasing.

B:Oh, okay. I just want to make sure I have something that covers those types of accidents.

A:We offer different packages based on the level of coverage you require. Have you taken a look at our brochure?

B:No, I haven't.

A:Why don't you take a look? Make sure you read through all the conditions carefully.

B:Alright, I will.

A:You'll also need to decide how long you want your travel insurance to last for. We offer daily, monthly, and yearly policies.

B:I only need it for one month.

Sports can be translated into English as "体育运动". Here are some examples of sports in English:

1. I'm a sunny boy, and I like sports very much.(我是一个阳光明媚的男孩,我非常喜欢体育运动。)

2. The high cost of equipment prohibits many people from taking up this sport.(昂贵的装备令许多人对这项运动望而却步。)

3. This sport demands both speed and strength.(这项运动既需要速度也需要体力。)

hanghai Walking Healthy Living Center is owned by Shanghai Suh Woo Fitness Leisure Products Co., Ltd. This subsidiary belongs to Australian Dragon Sports and Leisure Goods Co., Ltd., which has its headquarters in Australia and a professional history of over twenty years in the operation of fitness and sports products. The company provides fitness equipment and related supporting services to a number of large health clubs and professional sports venues in Australia.

Meanwhile, Pantaleo Corvino, the Director of Sports of Fiorentina, is currently trying to make another important transfer for his team as they are targeting Raffaele Palladino from Juventus. This move is expected to strengthen their squad and potentially help them secure a victory in upcoming matches.

In addition, there is one college in the country that stands out for its programs in teacher education and sports medicine - it is well-known for its comprehensive curriculum in these areas. This college offers a unique opportunity for individuals interested in pursuing careers in teaching or sports medicine, and helps to shape the future leaders in these fields.












Sports clubs around the world offer a variety of activities for people to participate in, and they are a great way to stay active and meet new people. One of the most popular sports clubs is the bowling club, which features ten-pin bowling games. Despite its simple appearance, bowling has become one of the most popular sports in the world, with millions of people participating every year.

In addition to bowling clubs, many sports clubs also feature other activities such as basketball, football, and more. These clubs often have fitness facilities and provide opportunities for people to improve their physical health while having fun with friends. On weekends, it's common to see groups of people hanging out at the sports club and engaging in various activities together.

For those who may not be familiar with the term "sports", it refers to physical activities that involve competition or exertion of the body. Sports are an important part of many cultures around the world, and they can help people develop teamwork skills, leadership qualities, and a sense of accomplishment. Whether you prefer individual or team sports, there is something for everyone at a sports club.

Overall, sports clubs are a great way to stay active, meet new people, and enjoy yourself. With so many activities to choose from, there is always something new to try and discover at your local sports club. So why not give it a try today? You never know, you might just find a new passion!

This text regards Essay, as the breakthrough point for understanding its deep layer and integrating survey of one periodical under editor. Since the new period, it has been a joint effort of authors to break out and adhere to the self-style all the time from China's numerous periodicals. As an important position of domestic prose periodicals, it has contributed abundantly and prosperity with its own enthusiasm and strength towards how to promote the development of prose and recreation and sports. It has left a thick and heavy impression in the field of contemporary prose. In addition, it reflects the Chinese writer's current situation and mental outlook in one period effectively, by displaying self-platform, concentrating on works, issuing serious meaning for duty and famous for ideological content. Thus, it has reflected the Chinese intellectual's mind experience to a great extent.


"Sports"这个词在英语中有多种含义,包括体育运动、竞技比赛等。例如:1. 体育运动;2. 竞技比赛;3. 运动员等。在不同的语境下,sports可以有不同的单语例句。例如:

1. The goal of the park is to form a sports leisure and entertainment center, as well as a sports business exchange center.(该公园的目标是形成一个体育休闲娱乐中心和一个体育商业交流中心。)

2. In business as in sports, victory is sweet only if the game is fair.(在商业和体育比赛中,只有公平竞争才能带来甜美的胜利。)

3. Six are former officials at local sports lottery administrative centers, while the others were a private business man and his five partners.(其中六人曾担任地方体育彩票管理中心的官员,其余五人为一名私营企业主及其合伙人。)

. Fudan University's business school is set to launch the country's first sports marketing MBA program next month, with the goal of training professionals for China's burgeoning sports industry. The highly marketed sports figure is widely regarded as one of the best NBA players in history and has made a name for himself not just as a player but also as a shrewd businessman.

Jerry Buss was able to build an impressive career at the intersection of sports and Hollywood, making a name for himself through his success in basketball and entertainment. His legacy lives on today as he continues to be a major presence in both industries.

6. The base boasts a cinema large enough to hold up to 400 people, a sports bar that includes a cappuccino machine, and even a bustling internet cafe. This facility is sure to make it an attractive destination for anyone looking to enjoy some sports while taking advantage of the surrounding amenities.

7. Yahoo sports has dubbed Zhang as China's Yao Ming in combat sports who may create a buzz in the most populous country fuelling the sport's expansion. With his impressive skill set and natural talent, Zhang is certainly someone to watch out for in the world of combat sports and beyond.

8. The incident last weekend was certainly not an isolated act of violence within Dutch sports. While incidents like these can be frustrating for fans and players alike, it is important to remember that they are not reflective of the broader sports community or culture.

9. Liverpool's ambitions have been boosted following the takeover of the club by US sports tycoons George Gillett and Tom Hicks in March of this year. With their combined resources and experience, the new owners are sure to help bring Liverpool back to its former glory days and continue to make waves in the world of football and beyond.