## 听力原文与重构内容

### 四级

1. 2012年12月听力原文:Hi Jenny, have you talked to Mr Wright about the new sports program?

重构内容:Jenny,你和Mr Wright谈过新体育项目了吗?

2. 2012年6月听力原文:We haven't been in same classes, sports or extra-curricular activities.


3. 2011年6月听力原文:To show how they love winter sports.


4. 2010年12月听力原文:They are also sharing information about concerts and sports events, as well as jokes and their philosophies of life.


5. 2013年6月阅读原文:a parent, relative, friend, or doctor outside the family, had higher self-esteem, higher grades, and lower substance use than peers whose role models were sports figures, singers, or other media characters.


## ### 六级

6. 2013年12月听力原文:The purpose of the speech was to encourage the audience of corporate executives and local business owners to support local sports groups.


7. 2013年12月听力原文:To enhance his credibility with the audience, Larry had brought some slides of his family attending sports events.


8. 2013年12月听力原文:He hoped that these added effects would encourage his audience to support local sports teams.


To motivate people to support local sports groups, raising funds for a forthcoming local sports event is a common practice. This is because Stray, which has been known as the style of the sports world, can also be used in sports fields. However, not everyone shares the same enthusiasm for sports. For instance, some individuals do not enjoy watching sports programs.

On the other hand, many undergraduates prioritize extracurricular activities, playing sports, partying and socializing over academic pursuits. It's essential to note that participation in sports can also have a positive impact on children. According to data from 2018, of families earning less than $30,000, 59% of children have done sports, 37% have volunteered, and 41% have taken arts classes. On the contrary, among families earning more than $75,000 a year, 84% say their children have participated in organized sports.

In 1892, The Gentlewoman's Book of Sports described a woman swimming in heavy clothing, including boots, hat, gloves, and carrying an umbrella. Despite this seemingly unusual sight, it was common for women to participate in various sports activities during that era. Overall, encouraging people to support local sports groups can have a significant impact on both physical and mental health, as well as fostering community engagement.

Over the past year, a significant proportion of young people have engaged in various activities. According to a recent survey, 64% of adolescents have participated in volunteer work, while 62% have taken lessons in music, dance, or art. However, face-to-face socializing and sports activity have declined over the period covered by the survey. This decline can be attributed to the increasing popularity of electronic communication and the prevalence of sedentary lifestyles among young people.

Despite the decline in socializing and sports activity, some individuals continue to excel in these areas. For instance, a young athlete recently set a new record by breaking her previous time by almost two hours in a race. Her father rewarded her with a red sports car as a sign of recognition for her achievement. This shows that sports can still be exciting and motivating for young people.

Sports enthusiasts often recognize that contact sports are associated with higher risk of injury, especially for those who stand still on the field. Therefore, it is crucial for athletes to maintain good physical condition and practice safety measures to prevent injuries.

In addition to traditional sports like running or swimming, many state schools now offer adventurous trips such as treks in Borneo or sports tours to Barbados. These trips provide students with unique opportunities to experience new cultures and engage in physical activities outside of their comfort zones.

Finally, researchers conduct random surveys of people in public places to test sports clothing. This helps them understand consumer preferences and design more effective marketing strategies for sports apparel companies.

In conclusion, while some aspects of youth culture may have changed over the past few years, there are still plenty of opportunities for young people to engage in meaningful and rewarding experiences through volunteering, learning new skills, and participating in sports.








are beneficial in many ways. They help to build a healthy body, improve mental health, and enhance social skills. In fact, some sports require only half the amount of time as other sports to achieve the same benefits. Therefore, we should all consider giving running a try, as it is a great way to stay fit without spending too much time on it.

News outlets often report on crime and corruption, accidents and disasters, social events, and human interest stories. However, there are other types of news that can provide immediate rewards, such as gardening, cooking, music, or sports. Whatever you choose to do, it should help you to relieve daily stress rather than adding another thing to worry about. This is especially important for those who are feeling overwhelmed or stressed out.

For example, Shelly-Ann found that participating in sports was a way for her to escape from her situation at Waterhouse. By engaging in physical activity, she was able to clear her mind and focus on something positive. Similarly, parents should encourage their children to join sports teams, as it can provide a valuable opportunity for them to learn valuable life skills while having fun.

In recent years, several studies have examined the role of talent in the sports world. It has been found that natural ability plays a significant role in achieving success in certain sports, but hard work and dedication also play an important part. Additionally, some sports require fewer hours of practice than others in order to achieve the desired level of proficiency.

Finally, it is important to note that certain days may be closed at the sports center due to various circumstances. For example, holidays or inclement weather may result in temporary closures. As such, it is always a good idea to check with the center before heading over.

The pursuit of top talent by team owners has become a costly endeavor, as evidenced by the millions of dollars they spend each year. This is especially true in the world of sports, where attracting the best players can be a make or break for any team's success. In this context, a remarkable story emerged about a young boy who had once lived in poverty and was surrounded by crime and violence. However, his determination and talent eventually helped him write a new chapter in the history of sports. Similarly, many children today are encouraged to participate in various sports clubs, such as the film club, travel club, and sports club, among others. While some parents may view these activities as a way to keep their children entertained, others see them as valuable opportunities for growth and development. Despite this, it is important to remember that TV does not replace reading for most children; rather, it replaces similar forms of recreation, such as listening to the radio and playing sports. Additionally, young children learning to play team sports are often told that "there is no I in team," emphasizing the importance of working together towards a common goal. Indeed, life is busy enough with homework, sports, making friends, and pursuing dreams. However, it is important to find balance in all aspects of life and not let one aspect consume all our time and energy. Whether we are chasing our dreams on the field or in the classroom, we must remember that success requires hard work, dedication, and a willingness to learn from our mistakes.
