The term "resort" is defined in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English as a place where a lot of people go for holidays such as seaside, beach, ski etc. Resorts are commonly found in popular tourist destinations around the world. One such example is Aspen, a ski resort located in Colorado, USA.

The Lagoon Reef is one of the best resort hotels in the area. There are plans to turn the town into a tourist resort, with a seaside and beach resort already available for visitors. We personally stayed at a relaxed beach resort on the east coast. If you're looking to escape the cold, Colorado has some fantastic mountain resorts. Lakeside resorts are also popular, with the well-known Lake Como providing a beautiful setting for a holiday.

Benidorm is another great holiday resort, offering plenty of options for families and those seeking a bit of excitement. Ski resorts are an obvious choice for winter sports enthusiasts, but even without snow, the lack of it can cause problems for these types of establishments. Health resorts offer a more relaxing break, with many booking themselves into such places for a weekend of pure indulgence. Popular resorts include the lively seaside resort of Brighton, just 40 minutes away.

A bustling resort is full of people and offers plenty of bars and cafés to enjoy. These types of areas are often right in the middle of the hustle and bustle, making them an exciting place to stay. Hastings was once a fashionable resort, but there are still plenty of opportunities to visit this area and experience its beauty. Resort towns/areas/centres are usually easy to find, with all the necessary facilities within walking distance.

There are plans for a major resort hotel and golf course to be built in this area, which will add to the already impressive selection available to travelers. A resort complex is another great option, providing a range of facilities in one location. Club Hotel is part of such a complex, offering guests access to everything they need for a comfortable stay.


Resorts and Their Role in English Vocabulary

The word "resort" is often used to describe places of vacation such as hotels, seaside resorts, and ski resorts. In this article, we will provide examples from the corpus that illustrate how the word "resort" is used in various contexts. We will also discuss some of the challenges faced by resorts in terms of overcrowding and limited availability.


1. That Government were able to carry through virtually all that legislation with hardly any resort to guillotine motions. (referring to a historical event)

2. When they run out of established holidays, resorts just make up their own. (describing a creative solution to a problem)

3. In buildings of more than two storeys, wait for the fire brigade, and jump only as a last resort. (providing safety advice)

4. Residential care should not be used as a last resort. (giving advice on resource allocation)

5. But there is a real danger that lucky resorts will be fully booked within hours of a good dump. (warning about overbooking and potential consequences)

These examples demonstrate how the word "resort" can be used in different contexts to convey different meanings. For example, it can refer to a specific location for vacationing (e.g. "a beach resort"), or it can be used metaphorically to indicate a last-ditch effort (e.g. "a resort to war"). The word has also been used in relation to the management of hotels and other types of accommodation (e.g. "the resort's staff").

In addition to these examples, we can also see how the word "resort" is often associated with leisure activities such as skiing and surfing. For instance, "Gargellen" is described as a ski resort, while "Breckenridge Ski Resort" offers lifts and trails for skiing enthusiasts. This highlights the fact that many resorts are designed primarily to provide entertainment and relaxation for visitors.

However, there are also challenges associated with running successful resorts. For example, overcrowding can lead to problems such as safety concerns and reduced quality of service. To address these issues, resorts may need to invest in additional infrastructure or develop new attractions that can help differentiate themselves from competitors.

Overall, the word "resort" is an important concept in English vocabulary, and understanding its various uses and nuances can help us better appreciate the role that resorts play in our lives and society at large.