uff Love's three EPs – 'Junk','Dross' and 'Dregs’ – are set to be released as part of one 15-track compilation on January 29th via Lost Map Records. The compilation is named 'Resort', and it brings together two of the band's most successful EPs – sold-out 'Junk' and 'Dross' – that are now unavailable, along with the more recent EP 'Dregs', to showcase the band's shimmering guitar pop sounds.

"These are songs we started making in 2012 and finished in 2015, so it's three whole years of Tuff Love," says frontman Chris Ball. "There's a whole load of songs from Tuff Love 2012-2015 that didn't make it onto this or the E.Ps but we felt these ones represented us best at the time and we're proud of them. They were a labor of love. The tracks are in the order they were released on Junk, Dross and Dregs. We know it's not an album in the sense that it was written to be an album, but we wanted to put a full stop after the three EPs, and releasing them all as 'Resort' seems like a cool way to do that!"