

在2020年12月30日,Rosé在接受韩国媒体Osen的采访时透露,她的出道音乐视频将于2021年1月中旬开始拍摄。2021年1月25日,Blackpink(Rosé所属女子团体)官方YouTube频道上发布了一段33秒长的预告片,名为“Coming Soon”,其中Rosé演唱了一段未知曲目的片段。

Rosé, a member of the Korean girl group Blackpink, recently revealed in an interview with the media outlet Osen that her first music video (MV) will be filmed in mid-January 2021. On January 25th, 2021, a 33-second trailer titled "Coming Soon" was released on the official YouTube channel of Blackpink. In this预告, Rosé performs a brief snippet of a song that is yet to be released.

The trailer for "Gone", which features Rosé with gorgeous and majestic visuals, has garnered over 51 million views on YouTube. The full music video, which followed shortly after the trailer, features Rosé with blonde hair that resembles her name, Rosé. She exudes a prickly but approachable demeanor, as if she carries a kind of ladylike air within herself. With long, golden brown curls and a little socialite dress, she embodies the image of Princess Rosébud herself.

In summary, Rosé's debut music video will be filmed in mid-January 2021, and a 33-second trailer titled "Coming Soon" was released on the official YouTube channel of Blackpink in January 2021. The full music video has since been released and features Rosé with blonde hair and stunning visuals. The trailer has gained over 51 million views on YouTube, showcasing Rosé's unique personality and captivating the attention of fans worldwide.

Rosé: A Musical and Imagery Protagonist

Rosé is a renowned musician and artist who has captivated audiences with her exceptional music style, enchanting persona, and striking visual imagery. Her unique ability to create a mysterious and glamorous atmosphere through her pictures has earned her widespread recognition and admiration. This essay will delve into Rosé's musical style and image, explore how she incorporates these elements in her music video "Gone," and analyze the song's meaning and emotions.

Rosé's Music Style and Imagery

Rosé's music style is characterized by its blend of pop, R&B, and soul genres, which results in a captivating and heartfelt sound. Her lyrics often touch on themes of love, heartbreak, and introspection, making her music relatable and emotionally engaging. Additionally, her soothing voice and melodic delivery add to the overall appeal of her music.

Rosé's visual imagery is equally as impressive as her music. She has an endearing personality that radiates charm and beauty, making her appear both elegant and approachable. In her pictures, Rosé often creates a mysterious and alluring atmosphere, adding to her enigmatic persona. Each time she is photographed, she showcases her colorful poses and expressions, further enhancing her captivating image.

Rosé's Video "Gone"

In "Gone," Rosé explores the pain, sadness, and sincerity of a young girl who has left her lover. The video begins with Rosé walking alone on a deserted beach at sunset, representing the girl's feelings of loneliness and heartache. Throughout the video, Rosé interacts with various objects, such as seashells and driftwood, symbolizing her emotional turmoil and the memories she carries with her as she moves forward.

The visual elements of "Gone" are masterfully crafted to complement Rosé's music and convey the song's message effectively. The use of colors like pink and blue represents the girl's emotions, while the slow motion camera work captures her poignant expressions perfectly. As the song progresses, Rosé's demeanor becomes increasingly sadder, mirroring the lyrics' portrayal of heartbreak and loss.

The Song's Meaning and Emotions

As mentioned earlier, someone said that you can't just write down the word "sadness" if you want to express it. You should say "I really gotta face it," say "Now I'm all alone crying ugly" and say "All my love is gone." So, let's see how Rosé expresses her sadness in "Gone."

The lyrics of "Gone" paint a vivid picture of the girl's emotions as she confronts the reality of her broken relationship. The lines "I thought that you remember but it seems that you forgot" express the girl's disappointment in her ex-lover's lack of commitment, while "I guess I should have known better than to wait for someone who would never be there for me" shows the growing realization that she deserves better.

The chorus of "Gone" captures the song's central theme: "All my love is gone." This line encapsulates the girl's grief over losing her loved one entirely and serves as a powerful reminder of the emotional impact of a broken relationship.


In conclusion, Rosé is a multifaceted artist who excels in both music and image. Through her unique blend of styles, she has gained widespread recognition for her captivating personality and stunning visual imagery. In particular, her music video for "Gone" showcases Rosé's ability to convey complex emotions effectively through music videos. With each release, Rosé continues to captivate audiences worldwide with her exceptional talent and inspiring persona.

It's hard for me to blame you when you were already lost.Oh yeah

如今难觅你踪影 我也难归咎于你。I'm tired of always waiting.Oh yeah yeah

成习惯的等候 令我心生厌倦。I see you changed your number.That's why you don't get my calls

你换电话号码。也只为躲避我的来电。I gave you all of me now

我曾倾尽全心。You don't wanna be involved.Oh yeah yeah

可如今 你却对我避而远之。I really gotta face it.Oh yeah yeah

我该独自迎面 这惨淡残局了吧。I just wanna be the one

我心存念想 望成为你毕生唯一。But to you were already done

可于你而言 我们的故事早已翻篇。Tell me why'd you have to hit and run me?

为何你 伤害我后 漠然离场?Now I'm all alone crying ugly.You broke my heart just for fun.Took my love and just left me numb.

席卷走我的爱 独留我静伫原地。Now it's 8 in the morning.Hate in the morning.All because of you.心生仇怨。Another story that's sad and true.我人生接连的悲情故事。I can feel the pain can you?心如刀绞的是我 而你呢?You had to be the one to let me down.无数次令我失望,To color me blue.任我被忧伤侵袭。Hate to see you with someone new.见你另寻新欢 我叫苦不迭。I'll put a curse on her and you.只得心怀怨念 不停咒骂。

这是一首歌曲的歌词,歌曲名为“Ain't No Looking Back Now”。以下是完整的歌词:


Ain't no looking back now you're dead and gone

再也无法回到往昔 你已消逝远去

My love is gone too

我残留的爱 也皆尽覆灭

All my love is gone

原本的爱 如今都灰飞烟灭

All my love is gone

情已绝 爱已尽

All my love is gone

所剩无几的爱 也都耗竭

All my love is gone

我的爱 全然散尽

Now you're dead and gone

如今你心魂已逝 不见踪影

All my love is gone and the hate has grown

我不再心怀情爱 只任仇恨滋长

Standing all alone and I'm searching for something

独自停滞不前 内心若有所寻

But I can't feel nothin'


I pack my bags and go

我收拾好行囊 准备离开

This don't feel like home

此冷淡孤苦之地 竟如此漫长无际

I feel so used how am I supposed to live without you

我怎会料到 自己会被利用 难以接受现实 没有你 我又该如何存活 望成为你毕生唯一 但于你而言 我们的故事早已翻篇 为何你 伤害我后 漠然离场 现在我暗自抽泣 面目全非 你将欢悦建立于我心碎之上 席卷走我的爱 独留我静伫原地 现在清晨八时 本是明媚






现在,你已经离开了这个世界,再也回不来了。但是,我依然想为你唱一首歌,纪念我们曾经的爱情。这首歌名为《A Song For You》,由宋尔勤作词、熊宇航演唱、孙修齐排版和罗怡校审。希望这首歌能够让我们曾经的爱情永远留在人们的心中。