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See You Again (重逢之时) (第58届格莱美提名歌曲|《速度与激情7》电影片尾曲|《热血街舞团》第八期背景音乐) - WIz KhalIfa (维兹·卡利法)/CharlIe Puth (查理·普斯)

WrItten by:Justin Franks/CharlIe Puth/Cameron Thomaz/Sage The GeminI

CharlIe Puth:It's been a long day wIthout you my frIend

And I'll tell you all about It when I see you AGAin

We've come a long way from where we began

Oh I'll tell you all about It when I see you AGAin

When I see you AGAin

WIz KhalIfa:Damn who knew all the planes we flew

Good things we've been through

That I'll be standing rIght here

Talking to you about another path

I know we loved to hIt the road and laugh

But something told me that It wouldn't last

Had to swItch up loOK at things dIfferent see the bIgger pIcture

Those were the days hard work forever pays

Now I see you in a better place

WIz KhalIfa:How could we not talk about famIly when famIly's all that we Got
Everything I went through you were standing there by my sIde

And now you Gonna be wIth me for the last rIde

CharlIe Puth:It's been a long day wIthout you my frIend

And I'll tell you all about It when I see you AGAin

We've come a long way from where we began

Oh I'll tell you all about It when I see you AGAin

When I see you AGAin

WIz KhalIfa:FIrst you both Go out your way

And the vIbe Is feeling strong and what's

Small turn to a frIendshIp a frIendshIp

Turn into a bond and that bond wIll never

Be brOKe and the love wIll never get lost

And when brotherhood come fIrst then the line

WIz KhalIfa:Will never be crossed establIshed It on our own

When that line had to be drawn and that line Is what

We reach so remember me when I'm gONE

WIz KhalIfa:How could we not talk about famIly when famIly's all that we Got
Everything I went through you were standing there by my sIde

And now you Gonna be wIth me for the last rIde

CharlIe Puth:Let the lIght guIde your way hold every memory

As you Go and every road you take wIll always lead you home
